I think I understand your question better now. In terms of who would be penalized by the eight-day interview, there's been a whole experience over the years with what's called port-of-entry notes, where a refugee arrives at the border, or at the airport, and has a short interview in which the questions are very unstructured and the notes are taken in a very summary fashion. We have seen very often over the years those same notes used at a refugee hearing to say, “Oh, why didn't you mention such-and-such during your interview?” or “You said something slightly different at the airport”, and this is used with very grave consequences for a person's credibility.
Actually, this is a battle that has been played out at the IRB and in the courts for the past 20 years or so, to the point where Citizenship and Immigration Canada and CBSA have more or less dropped the port-of-entry notes because they cause more problems than they solve. Yet the government—