It's 100% out overseas. It is being rolled out in Canada now. By June of the coming year we hope to have everything built in global case management, all the different processes that we need to process all kinds of applications.
In the short term it will provide us with opportunities to work in a virtual manner, which obviously is good. I'll bring the example of Haiti, where, if the embassy had to close, if it were in the global case management we could do a lot more.
Again, it will help us to be more efficient. It does not help us in terms of the fact that too many applications are coming in and we have a set number we can process every year. But certainly global case management will provide us with a lot more leveraging. In terms of tools, ministerial instructions or caps, or that type of thing, it permits us to be able to manage that in a much better way.
Of course, the other thing we want to do is manage risk in a more coherent fashion. It will permit us to do more of that.