Good afternoon, everyone.
I call this meeting to order.
Welcome to meeting 19 of the House of Commons Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration.
The Board of Internal Economy requires that the committee adhere to the health protocols. Maintain a physical distance of at least two metres from others. Wear a non-medical mask when moving in the meeting room. Preferably, wear a mask at all times, including when you are seated. Maintain proper hand hygiene by using the provided hand sanitizer at the room entrance and wash your hands well with soap regularly.
As the chair, I will be enforcing these measures for the duration of the meeting. I thank all the members in advance for their co-operation.
Today's meeting is taking place in a hybrid format pursuant to the House order of January 25, 2021. The proceedings will be made available via the House of Commons website.
The webcast will always show the person speaking rather than the entirety of the committee. I would like to take this opportunity to remind all participants of this meeting that screenshots or taking photos of your screen is not permitted.
A reminder that all comments by members and witnesses should be addressed through the chair. When you are not speaking, your microphone should be on mute.
With regard to the speaking list, the committee clerk and I will do the best we can to maintain a consolidated order of speaking for all members, whether they are participating virtually or in person.
Pursuant to Standing Order 108(2), today the committee is resuming the studies of immigration and refugee measures for the people of Hong Kong and labour market impact assessment under the temporary foreign workers program. Pursuant to the second subcommittee report adopted by the committee on February 1, today's testimony will be considered under both studies.
Today, I would like to welcome the Honourable Marco Mendicino, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship.
Thank you, Minister, for appearing before this committee. All the members really appreciate you coming for two meetings this week. Thank you on behalf of all members of this committee.
For this panel, we are also joined by officials from the Department of Citizenship and Immigration. We are joined by Marian Campbell Jarvis, assistant deputy minister, strategic and program policy; Nicole Giles, associate assistant deputy minister, operations; Pemi Gill, director general, international network; and Caroline Xavier, associate deputy minister.
The minister will be staying for the first panel. We will start with his opening remarks and then we will go into the round of questioning.
Welcome, Minister. You can please start. You will have five minutes for your opening remarks.