Thank you very much, Madam Chair.
I've been a member of Parliament for seven years, and this is the first time I've had a piece of legislation come to committee, so I'm pretty excited about it.
This is a bill to enhance the super visa. Of course, the super visa came out in November 2011 under the Conservative government. It's a multiple-entry visa to allow parents and grandparents to travel to Canada to reunite with their families here. The original super visa allows the family to stay for two years over 10 years. You have to pass a health check, and you have to purchase private insurance. The sponsoring family has to have a minimum amount of income for you to qualify to come.
It's a very popular tool used to reunite families here in Canada. Over the years, I have certainly heard criticism of a number of aspects of it. Number one is with respect to the amount of time. If someone here in Canada has a child, even someone who is working can have more than a year off to help raise that child. If perhaps a parent—a mother or a father—wanted to come to help with that and they stayed for a year or maybe a year and a half, the time on that visa has almost expired. The two years are almost up. I don't think two years is long enough. A family could be having multiple children. There, again, I think the two years is certainly not long enough.
You can, of course, apply for an extension. I recognize that, but given the demands at IRCC with respect to various applications, why do we want people to have to submit another application that has to be processed for there to be an extension? I think five years is a very reasonable amount of time over a 10-year period.
Someone could come, for example, for five months, a year or 10 years and spend significant amounts of time with their children and their grandchildren. This is a significant boon to the family, not just for spending time with their family, but the studies really show that there's an economic boost to a family when they have a parent or grandparent come and stay. Maybe they take an extra shift at work because they have some extra help at home.
I think the time extension is reasonable and will be well used by Canadian families.
The second part of my bill is going to allow for the purchase of insurance from a country outside of Canada. I've had a lot of questions on why I would want to do that. I'm just going to briefly talk about this.
Purchasing health insurance for the duration of the stay of the super visa can be quite expensive. It can be between $1,700 and $4,600 a year for someone in their early seventies with no pre-existing medical condition. That's a significant cost to a family—especially a new family.
What I see is that this would create competition. It would also allow someone to purchase the insurance in the currency of the country they're coming from, which I think can also make it more affordable.
People are asking how they will be able to determine what a valid insurance company is, so the Canadian taxpayer isn't left on the hook for a hospital bill, for example. To that, I say that right now we pre-approve doctors to give those medical clearance certificates when someone is coming to this country. If we can actually take the time to determine which doctors we should trust to do these certificates, surely we can find some health insurance companies around the world in most countries that have proper assets and all these other kinds of things. That's why I put in here that it is “approved by the Minister”. This doesn't mean you can go to any insurance company anywhere in the world. I'm encouraging the minister to set up a framework for the ground rules for when an insurance company would qualify, so that people can purchase insurance outside of the country.
The final part of the bill is asking for the government to reduce the low-income cut-off. The reason I ask for it is this: The view that bringing a parent or a grandparent to stay with you is an economic burden is wrong. What I actually found, from doing a little bit of research, is that when a parent or grandparent comes, it enhances the economic well-being of that family. It does that on a number of levels. It can be that they're providing some reduction of day care costs because the parent or grandparent is there to help with the family. It can provide opportunities for the child here in Canada because the parents can take an extra shift at work. They could have some extra time to be able to go out and get additional education.
I'm looking forward to your questions, and I hope that we will pass this bill out of committee.