The Northern Store in Fond du Lac has been operating for many years--or centuries--under the former Hudson's Bay Company. The North West Company is now the only company operating there.
A year and a half ago, we analyzed the Arctic Co-op model and looked at competition there. It doesn't matter which model we look at--Northern Store or Arctic Co-op--we still get the same product. We may have some savings on the types of products we buy, especially nutritious food.
Then we began to explore air mail or air freight. As this gentleman said, we could further explore reducing overhead costs in delivery and freight now that we know there is an airline company out there. Arctic Co-op's main entry point to deliver products would be Saskatoon. Through the Saskatchewan Co-operative Association, Saskatoon would be the main entry point for its co-op affiliates.
From there, we looked at the products we will bring into communities based on our needs. It will still be comparable to what Northern Store offers. There's still the whole issue of freight costs. based on the five business models we looked at under the Arctic Co-op model and on the types of products we will be bringing in.
At the end of the day, there will be two stores offering the same types of incentives and products, but we still wouldn't get this type of nutritious food, I would assume, based on that competition. Now I hear more stories about other companies out there that could help us with reducing overhead costs. That could be a viable approach that we would have to discuss further with Arctic Co-op once we eventually bring it into the community.