Thank you very much. That was really informative.
My riding is probably not that different from those of some of my colleagues'. It's a mix of start-ups, technology companies, large organizations, Canadian headquarters for multinationals, and then people—seniors, consumers, and just people. I've heard a lot here, and I'm wondering if we could talk about that balance.
The work that we need to be doing as a committee, in looking at this legislation, is to really examine how we might improve it so that we can actually get to the objectives that are intended. We heard about cybersecurity. We heard about the increase in malware. That is, of course, alarming, but we also want to make sure that there isn't a legislative regime that will chill the effect of good business practices, good competition, and the ease with which businesses do what they need to do, which increasingly now is digital and electronic.
Mr. Lawford and Ms. Lau, there is some suggestion by others here to narrow the scope of definition of a CEM, and to therefore be more focused, alleviating some of the unnecessary obligations we've heard of in the legislation for small business owners and perhaps for start-ups. What do you think? Could that work?