I think there are certainly programs out there. I know the Canadian Competition Bureau has “The Little Black Book of Scams”. It's available. It talks about all of these things.
It's really about promoting these resources that are available and having them widely available in all sorts of different social services, banks and agencies. I think there is a need.
Again, because our senior demographic is so robust, one person may see it online and another may see it in print, so we really have to cover off all of those areas. I would say there is a need for a more robust promotion of those materials that are out there.
Also with regard to the new things that are coming out, to speak to what Mr. Baran-Chong just said, I think we're really good at promoting information about the CRA scams, romance scams and things like that, but there needs to be more robust communication from telecommunication companies and things of that nature, on the emerging scams and the things people need to be aware of.