Thank you very much.
I have three further questions.
You have already responded, Mr. Read, in saying essentially that you'd like to see a system like this across Canada, which is important given how small the costs are compared to the actual level of sales and exports that we have.
I have three quick questions.
First, we have talked a lot about the actual strength we have in our export sector and the type of product promotion support that we provide. There has been, I think it is fair to say, a criticism of government that we're not providing enough support in product promotion in our beef and pork sectors, so I'd like you to give us the figures on what you get in product promotion support.
Second, you've talked about cost, but is the meat inspection timely, or is that an issue as well for the meat council?
The third and final question is, if we go down to Washington, are we on defence or offence? In other words, are you happy with the final rules or would you like us to push back on the final rules? From your presentation it seems that you're concerned that essentially the agriculture secretary will want to push further than the final rule on this. Are you satisfied or at least willing to tolerate the final rule, or would you like us to push this further back?
Those are my questions. Thanks.