Thank you very much, Mr. Chair, for inviting me to speak to the committee today about the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement.
The Asia-Pacific region is an increasingly important market for Canadian businesses.
Trade is only one of the levers that we have to boost economic growth, but unfortunately this is an area where Canada has not been performing particularly well of late. In many parts of Canada, we have fewer companies exporting today than we did 10 years ago. Part of the problem has been our failure to diversify trade towards high-growth markets like the Pacific Rim.
Many of you will remember the warning of Mark Carney, when he was still Governor of the Bank of Canada, that our country was over-dependent on trade with mature economies like the U.S. and Europe, where growth will be modest for the foreseeable future. The TPP takes a huge step to correcting that dependence. A TPP that eliminates trade barriers will open up new opportunities for Canadian businesses in the Pacific.
Mr. Chairman, as a member of the cabinet that approved the most hotly debated trade deal in our history, the Canada-United States Free Trade Agreement of 1988, I know very well the political pressures that emerge. Each agreement does contain tough choices. There are workers and companies who face challenges, and those concerns deserve respect, but if we stop doing trade negotiations except in cases where no one is affected, we stop negotiating at all.
We believe that the work of this committee is not about “should we ratify the agreement?” We should and we must. The work of this committee must be about understanding who the challenged sectors are and what can be done to support their response to changing circumstances.
We've talked to those who will gain, those who will face new challenges, and those who are still trying to figure out what the TPP will mean for their businesses. That's why, at our AGM back in October, just days before the federal election, hundreds of chambers of commerce from across Canada passed a resolution calling for our country to implement the TPP, in a near-unanimous vote.
I'll give you three reasons why, but before we get into that, let me make this clear. None of the reasons I'm about to list are about the costs of being outside the TPP. Having the deal go ahead with our NAFTA partners of Mexico and the United States in, while we remain outside, would be catastrophic for Canada. None of the concerns we hear raised about autos, for example, are likely to be improved by walking away from the deal. If we do that, these other 11 nations will offer each other privileged arrangements, which we'll be locked out of.
However, framing the TPP as something that we're being dragged into sells the deal short. I believe that Canada is actually much better off in a TPP world.
Let's start first with the hard gains.
Various economic studies put the benefits for Canada at somewhere between $5 billion and $10 billion per year. What we do know today is that companies doing business with Japan, Vietnam, and Malaysia, countries where we currently lack trade agreements, will be big winners. Japan is still the world's third largest economy. Vietnam and Malaysia together make up 120 million people, and those economies have been growing between 5% and 10% annually.
Today, companies in agrifood, seafood, wood, chemicals, machinery, and equipment have to pay hundreds of millions of dollars each year in tariffs. Many of them have told us that they would be able to increase exports as a result of the TPP. Beef producers and processors, for example, expect to double or triple their exports to Japan alone, and more trade means more business for railroads, ports, and air freight.
That brings me to my second reason. The TPP makes some long-overdue updates to our trade rules. The World Trade Organization and NAFTA are over 20 years old now, and they're no longer adapted to today's realities.
Think about how much has changed since then, such as the Internet, for instance. Nobody could imagine 20 years ago how all-encompassing it would become. Today, over 10% of goods trade and 60% of services trade happens online. Knowledge industries like financial services, management consulting, and information technology are among Canada's top five fastest-growing export sectors, yet there's nothing in our current trade agreements that prevents countries from blocking data flows or imposing local data storage obligations. That's where TPP comes in. Simply put, it extends free trade into the online realm.
Let's also remember that the TPP requires participating countries to maintain and enforce strong environmental laws and regulations under the threat of economic sanctions. When the deal was announced, one environmental group went so far as to say that the TPP has the strongest environmental provisions of any trade agreement in history.
There are other meaningful innovations in areas such as state-owned enterprises, regulatory transparency, and small business.
My third and last—and perhaps most compelling—reason for Canada to back the TPP is strategic.
For a mid-sized, trade-dependent economy like ours, going toe-to-toe with giants like China, India, and Japan is a terrible alternative to our traditional leading role in multilateral negotiations. We generally fair best when we're working with others and we already have a wave of countries lining up at the front door wanting in.
I was at APEC last year in Manila when the presidents of the Philippines and Indonesia announced that they intended to join TPP. Overnight that would add another 350 million people to the TPP's market, increasing the size of the group by nearly 50%.
Taiwan and South Korea also want in. I like to call this the TPP multiplier. We have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity here to work with our partners and to shape the future of the global trade regime. This is more than in our economic interest, it's in our national interest.