It certainly isn't ambitious.
One of the problems is that dairy was thrown down the tubes. It's not a trading issue. The government decided to pony up $3.9 billion, and according to the minister, if I heard her right, listening to her testimony when she was here, she said that they're going to do that for CUSMA as well. It's just the workers who are left behind.
The problem with ambition is that, working with our partners and allies in Mexico and the United States, we're working on a deal between Mexico and the United States that Canada can sign on to. Some are on rail issues, some are roads, some minor, some larger, but Canada wouldn't go there because it wasn't ambitious. We're negotiating with somebody who is looking after their own interests and the interests of their nation.
I talked about the blinders. We're just asking that they take those blinders off and realize that we're not negotiating under some theoretical construct of a university professor in an ivory tower. These are real issues dealing with real jobs, real people. To discount things and ignore things because it doesn't fit into your theoretical notion of ambition in this modern world that we're moving into is just sad.
Somebody asked a question about fear. I've done a bit of bargaining, and I smelled fear. The fear was—at least at some level—the negotiators did not want to raise issues because they did not want in any way to upset the apple cart to get a deal. Congratulations, they got a deal. We need a deal. We support the deal. All in, it's a good deal, but these are lessons we have to learn. It's a message to Global Affairs and a message about how people bargain these deals, to realize that if you like the old way of doing things in secret, in silence, for 30 years....
I started with FTA. In that time, we had full access to everything. It was amazing. This is a little bit better. We're cracking the door, but just look what happened. I support Hassan Yussuff's statement yesterday. That's why we didn't' go over all of that again.
You have people coming here from labour, and NGOs and others, saying that, all in all, it's a deal. Maybe in six years we get to review it with somebody else. Maybe we can clean some of these things up and get a better one. The risk is having it there. That's what ambition in all about. It's not an insult or slam. It's just that the world has changed. Please take the blinders off.
We're working on Mercosur now and FTA. There are a few others we're actually working on. It's the same thing. Some I think might be very exiting, very supportable. Sometimes you have to take them off and make sure that people like Mr. Sobot here, and other companies.... Maybe don't be scared to stand up, or stand up for us in labour to protect our interests. It's okay to do it. Everybody else is doing it, especially America. Why shouldn't we too?