On your ruling, Mr. Chair, I take the purpose of the bill not to be the press releases on the nightly news from former Minister Toews, but to be the preamble, as we're supposed to be doing here in interpreting legislation, which says that Canadians are entitled to live their lives in peace, freedom, and security, and violence is awful, that Parliament should take measures to protect Canadians—I'm paraphrasing. But the key phrase, which must be interpreted and which must be the basis of your ruling, is:
AND WHEREAS these measures include legislation to impose higher minimum penalties on those who commit serious or repeat offences involving firearms;
The purpose of the legislation, therefore, is to increase mandatory minimums on certain offences whether they are first-time or repeat offences, and there is nothing in the preamble—unless I have the wrong copy—that uses the word “escalation”. I doubt escalation is even anywhere in the legislation per se, because it will say second or third and so on.
I think your ruling is completely out of order, and frankly, you must make the same ruling on any of the government amendments that take away the escalation clauses by their amendments.
What we're trying to do—and I don't mean to be mean-spirited in this—in the spirit of cooperation in which we're trying to get good law passed—I suggest that what we're really trying to do is increase some mandatory minimums in some cases and not be hoist with our own petard of escalation per se.
That's what I think, Mr. Chairman.