A point of order, Mr. Chairman. I've been very complimentary. I said he belongs with us, and that's the highest form of compliment, really.
Absolutely, we are all in favour of that.
On the face of it, this bill attempts to improve the linguistic aspects of this delivery of a product called justice.
As you know, in New Brunswick, we have a bilingual judicial culture, as well as bilingual services. However, not all is perfect. I am happy that Mr. Godin is here to comment on this.
In any case, during the process to improve this bill, several questions were raised regarding clauses 18 and 21 in particular. There seems to be a lack of clarity on what will occur when a justice decides to call an investigation or hold a trial in French or in English. How will the judge proceed upon deciding which language the hearing will be held in? Or upon deciding, at the start of a trial or investigation, to hear certain witnesses in French and others in English? I imagine that it would be very difficult for a judge to decide ahead of time, because one never knows what can occur during a trial. Mr. Petit is fully aware that it is very difficult to not only predict a result, but also the pace of a trial. Is there an example that judges could draw from in implementing the new provision, clause 531, which can be found in section 21 of the bill?