Good afternoon. It's a pleasure to be here on behalf of the Traffic Injury Research Foundation. I have some information that I think you will find interesting.
Our submission mainly focuses on lowering the BAC limit to 0.05. We have provided some supplemental information on ignition interlocks as well as continuous alcohol monitoring, which are being used in other jurisdictions to monitor offenders.
In the last several years there has been a lot of debate surrounding the 0.05 issue. Until this time, I think much of the debate has focused on the strength of the scientific evidence, or lack thereof. Our organization has produced a number of reports on this issue, as have other organizations. So today I am not going to speak to the scientific evidence, but I will speak to the practical implications.
Our organization, with funding from Transport Canada as well as the Canadian Council of Motor Transport Administrators, surveyed 1,000 lawyers in Canada, both crown and defence counsel, and asked them about the issue of impaired driving. One of the issues we touched on was lowering the limit. I think the findings from the survey certainly provide insight into how well the justice system is currently coping with impaired driving offences, and what the implications will be for the justice system if we lower the BAC to 0.05.
I don't think it comes as any surprise that the majority of cases that go through the system are usually at 0.10 or above. We do see some 0.08 to 0.10 offences prosecuted, but the vast majority of cases are generally over the 0.10. Again, that's something we have to keep in mind as we look at the rest of the results.
The criminal caseload of crown prosecutors is approximately four times that of defence attorneys. In a given year, a crown prosecutor will handle some 450 cases, relative to about 115 cases for defence counsel. So from the outset, I think we see vast inequities in terms of the magnitude of the overall criminal caseload. If you're looking specifically at an impaired driving caseload, on average about one-quarter of all criminal cases are impaired-driving related. This does vary by jurisdiction, from as low as 17% to as high as 30%.
Also, we have to keep in mind that a significant portion of the cases currently processed through the justice system involve repeat offenders. These are offenders who pose a higher risk and, certainly, offenders who contribute more significantly to the alcohol crash problem.
So the variations in the caseload between the crown and the defence are quite substantial. At this time, crowns are certainly working at a disadvantage.
Lowering the BAC limit obviously is going to result in even more cases coming into the justice system, an issue I'll speak to in a few moments. Given the inequities we have today, we have to understand that those inequities are going to become even more pronounced as we increase the volume of offenders coming into the system.
If you look at how cases are resolved, you'll see that close to half, or more than 40%, of impaired driving cases proceed to trial. Obviously that has implications for the resources available in the justice system. It's much easier and quicker to resolve cases through things such as plea agreements. Plea agreements account for about 16% of the resolutions, but as I said, more than 40% go to trial.
Generally, from what we understand from the input of crowns and defence attorneys, people go to trial not just because of the penalties associated with a conviction, but also because of the sheer consequences of having a criminal conviction on your record. I think the implications since 2001 of criminal conviction have become much more pronounced. So I don't think there's any reason to believe that people at lower BAC readings are simply going to resolve their cases by taking a plea and a conviction, because at the end of the day, that conviction has serious consequences and is one of the key concerns.
Looking at preparation time, crowns generally spend one-half or one-quarter as much time as defence attorneys in preparing cases. Again, relative to the size of the caseload and the inequities within it, it's not surprising they spend so little time preparing cases relative to defence attorneys. Again, I think you're going to see those inequities become much more pronounced as the volume of cases going into the system increases.
Prosecutors will tell us that the conviction rate on average is about 52%, which is shockingly low. It ranges from anywhere from 41% to 75% across jurisdictions. Obviously you can see why so many people are inclined to go to trial; if you've got a 50-50 shot of being acquitted, I think most people would take their chances and go to trial, particularly to avoid a criminal conviction. Clearly, the specific deterrent effects of the law are being eroded when we can't even convict the offenders that we currently have coming through the justice system.
How long does it take to resolve cases currently? If you're talking about a plea agreement, you're looking at about six months; if you're talking about a summary conviction trial, it's about 11 months; if you're looking at a trial that proceeds by indictment, you're looking at 14 months. Again, the deterrent effect of the law is certainly being eroded. If it takes offenders more than a year to have their cases resolved, I would say that sanctions certainly are not swift, and given the 52% conviction rate, they're not certain either. I think the general and specific deterrent effect of laws is certainly being eroded with the cases we currently have.
When we asked crowns flat out if they support it, 40% of them agreed, which means 60% of them didn't. You see variations across jurisdictions, but given the inequities in caseload, given the inequities in case preparation time, given the fact that they face such challenges convicting the people we already have, you can understand the lack of support for increasing the volume of cases going through the justice system.
In 2006 there were some 74,000 criminal incidents of impaired driving. On average, year to year we're already processing about 50,000 criminal cases through the justice system. We asked the provincial jurisdictions that record them how many 0.05-and-above offences they record. From those that gave us a number, we came up with 47,000. You can see right there that all of those 47,000 provincial charges would be converted criminal charges, so you've already doubled the number. That's not counting Alberta, that's not counting Ontario, and that's not counting Quebec. Quebec does not have a lower limit; with federal legislation they will have a lower limit, which means we can expect an equal portion, if not a larger portion, of offenders in that range to come from Quebec. By lowering the legal limit, you will at a minimum double, if not triple, the number of criminal cases already being processed. Again, given four times the caseload, half as much time to prepare, and a 50% conviction rate, you have to understand what the consequences are going to be of doubling the volume of cases going through the justice system.
Certainly lowering the BAC will result in more time to prosecute and close these cases. It will detract from the focus we have on higher-BAC offenders, higher-risk offenders, and repeat offenders. The level of resources really isn't going to be there to be able to sustain that type of volume within the system.
I don't think we can expect conviction rates to improve. Again, our conviction rates are very important to us. That's what deters offenders from reoffending.
I think we've seen that lower-BAC drivers can be dealt with within an administrative system. Certainly that administrative system needs to be enhanced, and Transport Canada and CCMTA have been working on that. They have developed a strategy and a method for doing that. I think those efforts should be encouraged and continued, just given what the criminal justice system and what the lawyers working within it are currently trying to cope with.