He can't make the application until he is eligible. So the starting point is 15 years. He can't do it before we get everything ready; then off we go when it's time.
I know I don't have much time, but there's a whole series of practical measures that you have to consider about the whole process of applying. Fundamentally, the person has to retain counsel. In most provinces, that goes through a legal system. In most provinces—and I can speak of Ontario—the lawyer involved has to write a positive opinion letter to say that in his or her opinion there is at least a reasonable chance of success. Assuming you get that far, you then have the written notice of application, and the gathering of documentation, where, by definition, you're looking at least 15 years' worth of Correctional Service Canada institutional files that you have to review. You then have to get the supporting affidavits and the paper necessary to support your case, and you then still have to file that with the court. The crown then gets to respond, and you're still only at the vetting stage; you're not even at a jury yet. So it takes many years, I would say, beyond the 15 years before you actually get your day in court.