That sounds great, Mr. Chair. Thank you very much.
First of all, thanks for the opportunity to do this. I'm here today in the hope that I can share with you maybe two unique perspectives in one presentation on Bill C-4, as well as share a little bit about the New Brunswick experience.
I come with two perspectives that might be helpful to the committee. One, I believe I'm the only provincial attorney general who also has responsibility for youth at risk with a social ministry. Some of what we are doing with success in fighting poverty, reducing youth crime, and reducing youth recidivism may be helpful to the committee in understanding how we actually can be tough on crime by preventing crime and making sure that young people at risk don't stay at risk.
Second, let me also say clearly that from the perspective of New Brunswick, the current YCJA is working for us. We are seeing youth crime go down. We are seeing reductions in the number of young people who are repeating offences. I'm hoping that we can share with you a bit about why that's happening in New Brunswick and also talk about some of the ways in which Bill C-4 doesn't just layer on an additional level of ways to deal with young offenders, but instead may prevent us in New Brunswick from doing some of the things that are working. As a province that's had some success, we're hopeful that our success will be respected through this process.
I would start by saying this: it seems absolutely essential that we have a youth justice system that is aimed at the unique needs of young offenders. Justice that is served in a one-size-fits-all approach does not work. We know that with young people, for example, there's more time to reform their behaviour. We know that if they are growing up in poverty or have mental health issues or have issues of abuse or neglect at home, those experiences may be more formative and therefore may affect their behaviour more than they would affect an adult who has had more time and perspective.
Young people are also less aware of, and think less of, long-term consequences. Deterrence doesn't work as well with young people. I think any parent who's ever had the experience of saying to their kid, “But if you don't study for your test, you won't get into university and you won't have a good job”, knows that they say, “Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know that, but that's off in the future. I'm immortal and I'm young.”
The fact is that we in New Brunswick have been tough on crime, but we've done it by taking the approach that being tough on crime doesn't mean what you do after the crime's already been committed; it's what you do to make sure the crime doesn't happen in the first place. For us that means being tough on crime, and we are. For instance, we've adopted statutes that allow for forfeiture if you are an absentee landlord and you're allowing your property to be used for anything from selling drugs to profiteering from child pornography. We now have the power to seize that property and crack down on absentee landlords. We have a tenant protection act that allows the state to evict those who are dragging neighbourhoods down with anti-social behaviour. That's being tough on crime.
We're also tough on the causes of crime with aggressive reform of our social assistance system. We have aggressive interventions, including more mental health resources early on, making sure the courts are trained, and now integrated service delivery that makes sure we have school-based intervention teams that spot kids who are abused or neglected at home to allow them to get services in an integrated way, whether it's mental health, help for their parents at home, or help in the educational system.
If I may, I will quickly raise five concerns with proposed Bill C-4 that may stand in the way of our doing what the evidence shows is working in New Brunswick.
First I would say this: if you look at clause 8 of the bill, this is one of the first times the Parliament of Canada has proposed a bill that criminalizes intervention. I say that because this bill allows judges, when sentencing, to look at past participation in programs for substance abuse or mental health, or even at things as simple as police warnings.
Here's our concern about that: when we have a young person who has committed a non-violent offence and who was not deliberately inflicting harm on another, we want to get that person into our intervention programs as quickly as possible. We don't want them lawyering up. We don't want a long trial process. We want to get them into that intervention. By now saying that those interventions can count against them, you'll take away our ability to do what works.
As long as they accept responsibility and participate in these programs, we can begin to start the process of turning their lives around. By saying that participating--whether in sentencing circles, whether in community service, whether in counselling--now counts against kids later on in sentencing, we're going to have more kids lawyering up, we're going to go to more trials, and we're going to have kids getting help far less quickly. From our perspective, it would be a mistake to criminalize participation in the very programs that the evidence suggests are working in New Brunswick to keep people safer and to make sure that they don't do it again.
The second concern, I would say, is that this bill may actually defeat its own purpose by blurring the distinction between intentionally violent crimes and those that may be simply reckless or risky behaviour. If the definition of participating in risky behaviour were applied to all young people, I'm not so sure it wouldn't take care of most of us in this room at age 16—I'll certainly say that myself.
The fact of the matter is this: there is nothing wrong, when you have a young person who is intentionally, wilfully, and coldly inflicting harm on others, in making sure they're tried as an adult. That's the right thing to do. I'm a dad, I have kids, and I want them protected too. But to mix the criteria where the wilful infliction of harm is now treated the same as simply engaging in behaviour that's reckless or risky, where the line hasn't been crossed into deciding to hurt somebody, not only runs against everything we know, but it may actually undo some of the tough on crime agenda that's actually behind this bill, because instead of being very specific and directive to judges as to when as attorneys general we can have our prosecutors get that young person into the adult system, it now has actually muddied the waters. Now the definition isn't clear for judges. The judges have more discretion to keep dangerous offenders in the youth system, yet the youth system itself has been effectively destroyed.
So I think, frankly, because of some very loose drafting around what constitutes getting somebody into the adult system, as an attorney general I'd be very concerned that it will actually be harder for us to get truly dangerous youth into the adult system if this bill passes.
The third concern is that this probably undoes a large part of the reason to have a youth system. If we take a look, for instance, at clause 7, adding deterrence to the act as a consideration, what we try to do as attorneys general is, very early on, have as many tools as possible that actually meet our needs. We should have an adult system that is tough on crime, that emphasizes responsibility, that cracks down on violent offenders and actually makes sure they stay behind bars where they can't hurt somebody—no question. We also need a youth system that is based on the unique needs of young offenders, and that means, in fact, we put more of an emphasis on rehabilitation, because frankly, we know that the 16-year-old who steals a car is not going to be locked up for life but is going to be back on the streets.
As an attorney general and, frankly, as a dad, my interest is this: when we turn that person loose at 18, 19, or 22 years of age, what kind of citizen is he? What have we done to change that outcome? Being tough on crime doesn't mean waiting until he's 22 and hurts somebody again and locking him up. Being tough on crime means making sure he doesn't do it in the first place.
By adding deterrence and denunciation and making the youth system more like an adult system, we've destroyed the whole point of having a system that works to prevent young people from reoffending, and at the same time makes it harder for us to get adult offenders into the adult system.
The youth system is there for a reason, and the more you try to make it like the adult system, the more you then blur the distinction; if we can't get people into the right tools for rehabilitation, then you've effectively hurt our ability as attorneys general to deliver justice that works and protects people.
I might make two more general comments that aren't tied to the legislation.
I would like to share with you some of the concerns that we have at the provincial level.
The Government of New Brunswick believes that adopting this proposed legislation would only make matters worse for young persons and other residents of the province. Just recently, the federal government did away with the Youth Option Program in New Brunswick. This program offered youths who were at risk in a regular school setting and at home alternative methods of learning so that they did not turn to criminal behaviour.
Requiring provinces that are not rich, such as New Brunswick, to spend money on locking kids up will take away from things we've seen, just like the federal cuts to programs like Youth Options and to intensive programs like Portage, which allow us to intervene with those who have substance abuse problems. If we have to spend money putting people in prison, frankly, in a province like New Brunswick we don't have an extra dollar to spend on things that aren't backed up by evidence. You're going to require us to take away from some of the programs that are working in New Brunswick, programs that intervene on mental health issues and substance abuse.
I would be remiss if I didn't share with you the report of Bernard Richard, our provincial child and youth advocate, around Ashley Smith. Sometimes it's easy to lose this in philosophical arguments, but there are risks with the wrong approach in youth justice.
Ashley was a young teenager who originally was arrested for mischief. She was throwing crab apples at people out of a tree. Because she did not comply very often with the directions given in jail, she wound up in higher and higher levels of custody. What we now know about her case is that by putting her into a system that did not have the staff, training, or resources to recognize mental health issues early, ultimately we didn't rehabilitate that young person and we didn't keep her safe. What happened is that Ashley sadly and tragically committed suicide. That happened because we were too quick to steer her out of a system with the right kinds of supports and into a system that measured only whether or not she complied with the orders given to her, which we now know, with the benefit of hindsight, mental health issues had made almost certain wouldn't happen.
People die if we get it wrong. People die if we get it wrong by being too slow to incarcerate. People also die if we get it wrong by being too quick to incarcerate. From our perspective, perhaps I can offer some alternatives in which the Government of New Brunswick would be interested. Let us have two distinct systems--one focused on rehabilitation, and one in which detention and punishment start to become more important. Give us more discretion, not less, to steer young people into that system and to steer violent offenders into the adult system. And work with us. Help give us the tools. Don't cut the programs that help us intervene in these kids' lives, but help us to have the resources to appropriately detect and intervene, and to train staff on issues as wide-ranging as mental health, abuse at home, and substance abuse that can lead to failure.
I will close with this thought, Mr. Chair. Sometimes when we study these sorts of bills, we tend to look at a bad example of a young person gone wrong and ask what went wrong; if we look at the cases of young people who were rehabilitated and ask what went right, we are probably more likely to do it right in the future. In New Brunswick we are funding some programs that are doing it right, and we don't want to lose the ability to do that.
With that, I thank the committee and stand open to your questions.