Monsieur Ménard, if I can just make a proposal, this might work. It just came to mind that on the Monday, we could split the panel into two groups, one group of two and one group of three. If we do that, as you know, the rotation changes, and it actually gives the opposition more time to ask questions than if there were one full rotation.
When we do the rotation, it would be seven, seven, seven, and seven, then five, five, and five. By that time we're done, right? Then you get a second rotation like that again. If you add up all the time involved, the opposition gets a significantly greater amount of time. That might accommodate Monsieur Ménard's concern that he won't have enough time to ask questions.
If we do split the panel, it means the government has less time to ask questions, but it's perhaps an accommodation we can make to stay within the timeframe, but still accommodate your concern.