Well, of course, I emphasize drugs and pot because I'm advocating the legalization of pot to solve the problems. But you're right, there are all those areas and lots of other areas.
Certainly there's people smuggling. I did a documentary on people smuggling. It's a major organized crime activity around the world, and a very lucrative one. The answer to that is a lot more complicated than simply legalizing pot, although that gets rid of a lot of problems.
In terms of union activities and construction, going back 100 years, I would say, in this country, there have been activities, extortion on a very low level, and contract killing. For whatever reason, in our society there are people who want things done to other people. To get something done, who do you go to? You go to someone in the underworld.
Antonio talked about levels of corruption.
Gambling, which is something that Margaret emphasized, is still a major activity. While the government runs most of gambling now, the other major partner is the mob.
Loan sharking is another one that I'm sure you're aware of, which was very, very big in Montreal in the 1970s and 1980s, and even today. People cannot get money from banks.
So we're talking about the whole range of activities. I don't know what percentage is actually drugs. I think the money revenue is coming from drugs.