Thank you very much, Mr. Chair. First of all, my apologies, through you to the witnesses, for my outburst there. It was not very professional, and it rarely happened in my previous profession, although in this one sometimes we have a hard time of it.
I'd like to just say at the outset to Mr. Dubro and to those who feel that legalizing marijuana and other drugs would significantly alleviate the problems we have vis-à-vis crime, etc., that you might be shocked--and I know you know my background--if I were to tell you that I also considered that very strongly, both as a police officer and as a legislator, and the alternatives.
In this country we have trouble enough to prosecute impaired driving because of alcohol--and I know there are abilities to prosecute for the use of drugs. There is accepted evidence in the United States. It would never pass in this country. We have too many people who would throw charter arguments. I think you're aware of retinal recognition. It's accepted in the United States, but it will never be accepted in this country. We have a hard time accepting the breathalyzer. That's number one.
So I looked at the legalization of pot as just too many strokes. Here's what I deduce, and I'd like to hear what you think. You say that the costs associated with drug enforcement are very high. I would say that the costs of the legalized drugs of tobacco and alcohol far, far exceed what we're spending on drug enforcement. Take a look at the family. I went to domestic calls caused by alcohol, a legal drug sold by the government, with profits made by the government. The social pain caused by alcohol....
Sir, I try to understand your libertarian viewpoint, but you would be foisting on this society a third legal drug. As a matter of fact, all those other legal drugs...the pain they would cause. If you think you have a law enforcement problem and a problem with impaired driving now, just you wait and see what our roads are like when people high on heroin and all those other legal drugs....
One mother, from the witnesses, said this to us. We should have something very similar to the liquor control board in the old days, when you would go in and check off a bottle of this type of scotch; you could check off a little heroin for Saturday night and a little oxycontin for this night.
I'm going to ask the analysts for the statistics, which I know are available--the cost of tobacco, which is a drug, which causes addiction. People are addicted to tobacco. We know the billions and trillions of dollars it costs the North American health care system. I want to see what statistics are available to have the societal costs and medical costs of tobacco.
Secondly, I know there are statistics on alcohol, on the amount of days lost because of alcoholism and all those other things. When I was a police officer, we had somebody from the Ontario alcohol and addictions group come into our schools. I didn't know who he was. He was free. It was the community policing group I was working with, because that was one of the programs I was bringing into Northumberland--well, it was already there, but we were enhancing it. He went into the high schools and he talked about kids, and he said, “Did you know that with a lot of use of marijuana...”. And this is what the kids in our high schools were interested in. He said, “I know what they're interested in. You don't know. They're interested in being parents later on, and the use of marijuana reduces your sperm count so you may not have the children you want to have.” There has been no study of marijuana anywhere near the depth of studies into tobacco. We know the horror stories that came out of tobacco. So for marijuana, we've just scratched the surface.
Some universities have done studies, but they're very minor. I guess what I am saying is this. Before we leap into “We have a problem with drugs, legalize them”.... We already have two legalized drugs and they're killing us enough. Look at the cancers caused by tobacco, and the heart problems. Look at the pain and suffering throughout.
So just a few quick comments, starting with Madam Beare and working this way, if I have any time....