Thank you very much.
My experience has been that—and I used to be the executive director for youth justice policy, where you have criminal accountability for young people—if you find processes by which the young person learns why the behaviour violated the law, why it upset people, and give them a chance to make reparation in a restorative justice process or in another type of sentence, you come a long way to encouraging pro-social conduct. They're not just respecting the letter of the law; they're respecting the spirit that underpins the law—namely, you're hurting people by defacing or disrespecting the monuments to the values that they hold dear.
I think there is an opportunity for a strong, educative, pedagogic response to these types of offences. It's a very important experience, particularly when you're picking up people, young people and adults, who may have cognitive disabilities or challenges or a variety of other things. You're inviting them to understand why this is a problem.
I think that's much more effective. It's certainly been our experience in youth justice that it was much more effective in terms of holding the young person to account and reinforcing pro-social conduct.