Deborah's Gate is a safe house for survivors of human trafficking. We have 10 beds available to women who have been exploited, both from within Canada and from outside of Canada.
We exist to create a safe place, first and foremost, so it's an undisclosed location. It's a place where we have 24-hour support. We have amazing community support in Vancouver. We have clinical counsellors who provide trauma counselling. We have addiction counsellors who provide case-by-case addiction counselling. We have incredible support from Citizenship and Immigration; we have a representative from CIC in Vancouver. We have a vast team of legal experts who speak to us on different things. A lot of times, there is divorce or family law and different issues like that, and they provide resources and services to us.
We do our best to give back to survivors what has been taken from them, whether that's a grade-12 education, a relationship with their family, or an opportunity to work in employment they aspire to work in. It looks very different from day to day, but for the most part it's really just a restorative, safe environment.