Green Party-28 would remove the reverse onus on the accused with prior records of intimate partner violence. This received a lot of testimony, from the association of legal aid lawyers, from the Canadian Bar Association, etc. The concern was that subsection 515(3) already requires the consideration of factors related to intimate partner violence in consideration of release.
The concern was the proposed change in Bill C-75 would likely lead to litigation. Previous court decisions upholding the constitutionality of reverse onus do not offer features that could be held in common with these.... The intention is clearly a good one: that there would be a reverse onus. But in testimony from women's advocacy groups, Aboriginal Legal Services, the Society of United Professionals, which is the legal aid lawyers group, practising lawyers spoke of this phenomenon of dual charging, where a partner in intimate partner violence, usually the man, is accused of domestic assaults and insists that the partner who has been assaulted is also charged and should be charged because they started or are implicated in the offence.
The Canadian Civil Liberties Association in particular said, and I'll just read this because it makes it quite clear:
Mandatory or pro-charging and prosecution policies, while effective in increasing the number of abusive partners brought before the criminal justice system, can also have the effect of criminalizing victims who are caught in an abusive relationship.
The effect of the bill before us—and we have a lot of expert evidence—is that as much as it might initially seem counterintuitive, abusive partners can use the reverse onus provisions to discourage the victim from reporting and the reverse onus might also discourage victims from coming forward if they are trapped in a relationship where they are financially dependent on their abuser.
Again, there's a lot of evidence and testimony on this point. I agree it's a very difficult one. You've already had a prior record of abuse of your partner, and a reverse onus would increase the burden on the accused to defend their actions. However, the threat that can be used, and in real life can happen, to criminalize the victim, and thus discourage reporting and increase the risk of mostly women being trapped in an abusive relationship, is a very serious one. Obviously, that's why Mr. Rankin brought forward a similar amendment. Even if it takes time to struggle with this one, I hope the committee will find a way to remove the reverse onus in the interests of protecting women at risk.