Thank you for having me.
The Canadian Children's Rights Council is a leading Canadian group advocating for the rights of Canadian children. There are other groups that do some Canadian rights but mostly international child rights advocacy. Our website,, is the most visited website in Canada pertaining to the rights of Canadian children, and it contains an archive of news articles, videos, resources, and all sorts of other items. It is one of the top 10 children's rights websites in the world. We have visitors from over 160 countries every month. In fact, on our busiest day so far, in 2016, we had 397,000 people on the website.
On that website, you're going to see videos that go back quite a way on family law. One of them you might find interesting. I appeared on probably the best CBC TV show on paternity fraud, which is a form of family violence. I was up against one of the best family law lawyers in Canada on that show with Carole MacNeil and Evan Solomon. That show should be watched, so you can understand the gender issues, and how they affect children negatively.
In 1998, over 20 years ago, I appeared before the Special Joint Committee on Child Custody and Access, and our recommendations on the enforcement by government of court-ordered parenting time were endorsed by many groups shortly thereafter. The special joint committee itself recommended that parents be jailed for repeated criminal acts, offences of contempt of court-ordered parenting time. Playing around with parenting time is just causing parental alienation. There are all sorts of issues there.
As a victim of domestic violence, my ex-wife broke into my home to assault me and threaten my life. I was left bleeding and badly bruised, when the Peel Regional Police came in and took her away. They didn't even put her in handcuffs, and at no time did they even talk to me after that. The prosecutors never talked to me at all. Victims' services never contacted me, so I have some interest in domestic violence and know something about it.
When we look at all the StatsCan studies, they show, from self-reporting studies, that men and women are equally victims of domestic violence. Yet, the reporting on this, using police statistics, is that the guy gets arrested 90% of the time. This is the number one weapon we heard. We're back 20 years ago when the special joint committee heard from over 500 witnesses, an equal number of men and women, from across this country, as they toured all the major cities and heard all this. The number one weapon was to claim domestic violence, get the kids, establish the status quo, and then you win.
The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child dictates that children be raised by both their biological parents without interference from the state, unless the child is being neglected or abused to such an extent that the state has to step in to protect them. It doesn't mean there's a big debate over the child's future where everybody goes bankrupt in family courts. Now we have more than half the litigants self-represented, and a court system that's dysfunctional. It doesn't work. It causes this kind of distress to people. The answers we talk about in family law here, you can't even read the 133 pages of this, let alone understand it for the 50%-plus who are self-represented in court.
Finally, we see some movement on these issues from certain provinces. I am delighted to see an order from Alberta, where if a parent doesn't turn over the children on time, he or she will be taken into custody by police to appear before the judge on contempt. Twenty years ago, when you got an order in Ontario to locate, apprehend and deliver the children, the police wouldn't act on it. The Hamilton police were taken to court. Why didn't they do it? That was what Judge Mazza said. It was a lawful order made under the Children's Law Reform Act, and the police wouldn't act on it. Incredible.
Some of the bias that we see even with MPs, in talking to some of them, is incredible. I want to bring your attention to MP Larry Miller, who.... You can read his letter to a Superior Court judge on our website. This is an international child abduction case, where the mother thought she could win a case if she went to Canada from Australia. She's a Canadian, and we have an MP lobbying a Superior Court judge. You can read the letter. It's on there. Just put “Larry Miller, MP, letter to judge” and it will come up on our website.
He's repeating all of these false allegations of domestic violence and everything else that never occurred. The father's side was never heard. The papers are saying that people are raising money to deposit in their bank account, and all this kind of stuff. This woman had so much money from the fundraising that she could hire one of the best lawyers in Canada to represent her and appeal on this. I watched at the court of appeal, and she lost on that, so the child was going to go back to the habitual residence in Australia. The child is entitled to Australian and Canadian citizenship. The child is doing very well, by the way. The power of these people who come up with false allegations of domestic violence is just incredible.
Over the last 20 years, there's been a huge problem with boys. Ten years of research is in The Boy Crisis book, which you should read. Every MP ought to read this. Eighty per cent of suicides are males. If you want to look at depression and all of these things, look at the facts. A lot of this stuff isn't even studied. If 80% of suicides were women, we'd have a day of silence every week. Who cares? They're men. This is incredible.
Boys now are so afraid of getting into relationships with females that we have MGTOW—men going their own way—because they don't want to get into the same scenario that we've seen here in family law for the last 20 years. They're victims of the family law system, where there was just chaos in the parents' life. Because we're so popular on the Internet, we've had a lot of phone calls over the last 20 years from parents. I have taken thousands of them, including from parents whose children have committed suicide. I had one last week. The child committed suicide because of all the conflict between the parents.
You people promote that. You make them go to court and fight over this stuff. You have a right to both parents, and to be raised by them. Yet, you people want to have all these rules, and under certain circumstances you can move away from the other parent and eliminate them. If you read this book, it will tell you how important fathers are, as well as mothers, to children's well-being, what they learn from their fathers and their important role.
You read in the news about mass shootings by boys in the U.S., and one in Canada, and another situation with a truck. If you want to read that, it will explain that nearly every one of them was a fatherless child. They didn't have a good role model, their father. It's incredible what's happening out there.