As the committee may know, the Sex Offender Information Registration Act was enacted in 2004. When it was first enacted, they only had the Criminal Code subsection 160(3) offence, bestiality involving a child, as a designated offence. In 2011, the act was amended, and the Criminal Code subsection 160(2) offence, compelling another person to commit, was added.
I'll go back one more step. When the SOIRA was first enacted, it was to create a tool for law enforcement to better track and monitor persons who were at a higher risk of reoffending, through the listing of designated sexual offences. Non-sexual offences are designated, but the Crown would have to show that the offence was committed to facilitate the commission of a sexual offence. It's always linked back to a sexual offence as a core criterion.
My understanding is that the simpliciter offence has not been added, either upon original enactment or when the act was amended, primarily because at the time there was less evidence to show that persons who engaged in simpliciter offences were at risk of reoffending to commit a sexual offence against a person.
I think the committee has received evidence from a number of witnesses to indicate some of the concerns that they've addressed in terms of linkages to other issues, but at its core, when it's listed for the purpose of the Sex Offender Information Registration Act, the intention is to try to prevent somebody who's at a risk of committing a sexual offence against another person. That's usually the criterion.