The short answer is no. I've never seen that suggested. The actual reaction produces carbon dioxide.
I said I wasn't going to give you my lecture, but I will give you a lecture now.
The alcohol is broken down first into acetic acid, which we all know as vinegar, and in the process of oxidizing it from an alcohol to that acid, it is further broken down to carbon dioxide and water. In that process, it releases electrons. You're absolutely on point. The electrons released during that process are proportional to the amount of alcohol that is present, and that's how these things are calibrated to give you a result.
Environmental conditions could have an impact on that, as could other substances. These substances, as I said, will not react to certain compounds, but they will react to others. Wood alcohol—methanol—can cause a reaction on these devices. When you're getting it directly from an individual, the individual makes it more specific. Those of us who know will not drink wood alcohol because it makes you go blind and will end up killing you, so we know, because of the specificity of the human body, that when you're giving a direct sample into these devices, it's not going to be a methanol result.
Environmentally, at this point I won't be as confident until I do further study and until we set some standards and look at interference a little bit more closely.