Yes. The crux of the problem is knowing whether the suffering can be alleviated. There are three criteria about this prognostication into the future. One is this incurability. One is the irreversibility of decline. One is the alleviation of suffering under conditions acceptable to the person.
The preceding two criteria don't refer to conditions acceptable to the person and the third does. The question then would be, if a clinician is aware of the treatment that they think would be helpful and that on balance is not unreasonable in terms of the burdens versus potential benefits and so forth, and a person was refusing it, what would happen?
The way our panel tried to approach this was by talking about the assessor and the requester coming to a shared understanding. It would be up to the requester to be able to refuse any treatment they didn't want to accept, but it might be under those circumstances, where there's a reasonable treatment available that the clinician thinks might actually help, that it's impossible for that clinician to come to the opinion that it is incurable or irreversible.
This is a tricky point. You asked me how the law would interpret this. We have proposals of how this law should be interpreted and our proposal is that under such circumstances it may not be possible for the requester to conclude that it is incurable, if there's something reasonable that hasn't been tried.