Thank you, Chair, and Mr. Thériault.
In response to your comment and question, I wanted to comment about what we might learn from other countries with respect to the practice of MAID, especially in cases of mental illness. I'm reticent to comment too fully because you will hear from the expert panel later on in your process.
There are two things I will say. The first is that most of the guidance that is required is at the clinical level. It's direction to practitioners about what they should do to deal with the very complex challenges associated with these cases. With all due respect to my colleagues, Mr. Potter and Joanne Klineberg, you cannot put detailed clinical guidance in the Criminal Code. It's not the right place for it, because as Mr. MacGregor indicated, the understanding of diseases and conditions—their trajectory, treatment and so on—evolves.
The second thing I would say is that the human resource requirement will be very significant and intensive if a proper assessment—and that is the only assessment that should be allowed—is done of whether a condition is incurable or whether a decline that may be associated with that disease can be reversed, attenuated or relieved in some way. It's whether the person has capacity. Do they understand what they are being told about their condition? Do they understand what they are doing when they are seemingly making a request for MAID?
All of these informed consent, capacity and irremediability issues are incredibly complex, and they will take a lot of time. As with other cases in which the person is not dying, in order to understand whether or not treatments and interventions are effective, you have to reflect back on all the experiences that the person has already had with the health system. What have treatments yielded so far?
The bottom line here is that those cases will be very demanding. The human resources will have to be intensively applied. That is probably the paramount lesson I would put in front of the committee for its consideration.