Thank you very much.
Inflammatory stories about a painful end of life have often been shared with this committee to promote ideology rather than to encourage proper analysis and cogent debate. I will not do that tonight.
I am not speaking about the far end of life. I am talking about a person such as me, a person who's lived with an upper-level spinal cord injury for over 41 years, a person who has practised in the area of disability rights and mental health law for over 25 years, a person who, early on, shortly after that accident, had dark days and for 41 years has been grateful to be able to embrace life, its wonders, its altruism and its aspirations.
That's not available, I know, to many people shortly after their accident or other catastrophic injury or disability, and there's pressure now with this new legislation directed by the state that says, “Your life may not be worth living. Extinguished is okay.”
At the outset, though, I do ask each of you to accept the stark truth that is often ignored, and that is that often suffering experienced by persons with disabilities in Canada is at the hands of the state. The suffering is caused by the state. We experience a pernicious form of human rights denial that includes poverty and unacceptable markers in the social determinants of health.
Tonight I wish to especially speak, though, to an inherent flaw, given my limited time, a flaw or contradiction in the law. Paragraph 241.2(1)(c) of the Criminal Code, which many of you know, states that a medical condition will make a person eligible for MAID because that condition is “grievous and irremediable”.
Canadian human rights legislation and the Supreme Court state that physical and mental conditions are personal effects to be protected from human rights abuses in a manner no different from race, sex, gender, religion and many other grounds of discrimination. Moreover, courts have stated that disability is a social construction; therefore, remove the social barriers and you remove the discrimination. This indicates that discrimination is fully remediable.
We ask, what is disability? Is it a physical or a mental condition that makes one eligible for medically administered death or is it a remediable social construction?
In an analysis for MAID assessment, people, when assessing for MAID, must consider more than just an extreme medical-only determination and be balanced with established human rights norms. I'm talking about human rights that find that, if you can stop the suffering through changing socio-economic condition, then, in fact, it's a remediable condition.
I would submit that nurses, nurse practitioners and physicians do not have the expertise. For people such as me, people who live in the world of independent living, you need to understand us as a community, a community that does and is able to speak to independent living and speak to the importance that the disability, the social construction, can be remediated. That will give the full weight and meaning of the word “remediation”. It will also put an important factor into the physician-patient relationship in that, if a physician, through broad and deep analysis, sees that the condition can be remediated by removing discrimination, then a person should not be eligible.
We should not just jump to provide MAID. We never jump to provide death in any other legal context. This, of course, should be given the same and even greater respect, consideration and analysis. Time does not allow me to speak much further, but I want to say and emphasize again that regulations must include a human rights analysis.
Another recommendation is that access to MAID must guard against allowing MAID to be a facilitation for suicide for individuals who are suffering a mental disorder or weakness due to anxiety, depression and vulnerability.
Also, there should be a regulated MAID oversight body that is independent and provides annual reports with full substantive analysis to the minister and the public.
Lastly, MAID should not be utilized to target a population, to target a community, especially an equity-seeking community. It would be unheard of, unthinkable, for any other group or population in Canada. It equally should be disregarded and called what it is—ableism in Canada—should it be directed in a pernicious way at persons with disabilities.
Thank you.