Thank you.
Dr. Stainton, I'd like to turn to you now. You did make mention of the struggles Parliament has had in getting a Canada disability benefit act. I certainly understand that and sympathize with it. We're still unsure as to what that federal benefit will be. There's a legislative framework for it, but we don't yet know.
I think tackling the economic insecurity that so many disabled people in Canada live with.... I mean, we know the statistics. I have a constituent who's a real activist, and he refers to it as “legislated poverty”.
I guess for me, when we come to this theme of autonomy and respecting a person's autonomy, can we ever reach a point where a disabled person has—hypothetically, let's say—all of the supports necessary and is leading a fulfilling life; you can bring yourself to a position where you're satisfied that someone is living a dignified life with a disability; and you can bring yourself to respect that they may, even with that level of support, decide that it's in their own best interest that they want to engage with medical assistance in dying?
I think this is the struggle our committee is having. How do we respect that personal autonomy, which is so important to so many people who live with disabilities?