Thank you very much. It's a pleasure to be here.
We are a not-for-profit industry association representing pretty much everyone and anyone having to do with wind energy, large and small, in Canada. We have about 410 corporate members now, including manufacturers, developers, research institutions, service providers to the industry, etc. So it's a fairly big group.
It's a pleasure to be with you here today presenting to you some ideas we have on the contribution that small wind, in particular, can make to providing energy services in Canadian communities.
At present, as probably most of you know, the vast majority of attention within Canada in the world of wind is focused on large wind systems. These are the large, 80-metre-tall turbines that are used for utility-scale transmission-connected projects. They now provide about 1% of all Canada's electricity. Within CanWEA the majority of our activities are focused on the large wind systems, but there is a very active group within CanWEA looking at what we call small wind systems. These are the ones I'd like to talk about today.
To us, a small wind turbine is anything under about 300 kilowatts in size. If you look at the large utility-scale turbines, there is a fair degree of uniformity in them. The installations may have ten turbines or a hundred turbines, but they're largely used for the same application: to provide electricity to the grid.
When you start looking at small wind, there is quite a differentiation between the applications that exist within it. There are basically three I'd like to talk about today, because they each represent to us very different opportunities and different challenges. To act on that opportunity requires three very different strategies.
The first category is a small-sized residential system. That would be between one and ten kilowatts in size. The second category is what I'd call medium-sized commercial and farm installations. That would be between ten and 100 kilowatts in size. The third is large wind and wind diesel systems for remote communities, and that's about 50 to 300 kilowatts in size. As I say, all three of them play very different roles and they have different opportunities in being part of an integrated community energy system. In all three, there are very different strategies you have to use to promote them. I'll talk about them each individually.
The first application is what I'd call small-sized residential systems. A typical installation would be someone who in their backyard has a one-kilowatt system that costs about $6,000, and that provides 10% to 15% to 20% of their household electricity needs if they're in a good wind regime. At present there are not a lot of these systems in Canada, somewhere between 300 and 400. At CanWEA I would say about a third of all the calls we get are about these small wind systems. People love them. Their main interest is usually driven from an environmental perspective: they want to reduce their consumption. It's rare that they're interested in it from a purely economic perspective; mainly they want to reduce their dependence on the grid. So that is for the small systems.
The challenge for these systems, the one to ten kilowatts, is that presently there are no incentives from either utilities or governments to recognize the benefits these present. When you think about it, you've got someone coming out and spending $6,000 on their own system, which is effectively like spending $6,000 on energy efficiency, because you're reducing your load on the grid and there's also GHG reduction benefits that come from that. So there's an interest, but no incentive that's provided for that in the same way there are incentives provided for energy efficiency measures in homes.
The second challenge to those kinds of systems is that often the cost of connecting them can be equal to or greater than the cost of the system itself. An inspector comes and says you can connect your small wind system and it will cost you $5,000; you have already spent $5,000 on your system, so that can have quite an impact as well.
What we feel needs to happen there is provision of incentives either in the form of rebates or tax incentives that recognize the environmental and system benefits these systems bring. In the United States, the Congress just passed an investment tax credit that applies to all small wind systems and quite a large range of systems. We don't have anything like that in Canada.
The second type of system that we think presents a real opportunity is the mid-size farm systems, and these are between 10 kilowatts and 100 kilowatts. At a typical installation here, you're looking at a 65 kilowatt machine. It will cost you about $180,000 to $200,000. That can provide 50% or more of all the electricity requirements for a medium to large-size dairy farm. So that becomes quite an interesting proposition. Currently, there are very few of these systems in Canada. We estimate that there are between 70 and 100 of them.
There's a huge interest in these systems, and it's for a very different reason: it's mainly economics. A lot of farmers look at these things and say yes, this is a big upfront investment, but I'm basically locking in my electricity price for a period of 20 years and I'm gaining independence from the grid. We saw during the blackouts in 2007 and before that some farmers would lose $50,000 to $60,000 worth of product from a two-day blackout, and they're looking for a hedge against that.
One of the other interesting things and a little known fact about these sizes of systems is that worldwide there are about ten manufacturers of systems between 10 kilowatts and 100 kilowatts. Half of these are Canadian, and they sell almost everything they make overseas, because there's no market for it in Canada. So the challenges here are pretty significant. The initial costs are very high. Farmers are generally looking for a return on investment of 10% or greater, and they're looking for a recognition of the benefits that these systems bring in the form of an incentive.
So what we'd be looking for here with the first systems, the smaller ones, is a direct rebate or a tax incentive. On the second type of system, these mid-size ones, we're looking at more of a production incentive. So you get a payment similar to what happens now with eco-energy. It's based on per unit of electricity generated and you get a payment for it, either that or something like a feed-in tariff, which has now been introduced in Ontario under the Green Energy Act.
The second big thing that needs to happen is we need to streamline the connections process, because with these systems you can buy a $200,000 turbine and set it up and then the utility comes in and says we need to spend $50,000 to figure out what impact this is going to have on the grid. The impact it will have on the grid is less than that of a large welding machine.
The third type of system--and this is what we call small wind as well--is a large wind and wind diesel system for remote communities. These are generally between 50 kilowatts and 300 kilowatts. A typical installation.... If any of you have travelled to the island of Ramea in Newfoundland, you'll find an installation there that consists of six 65-kilowatt wind turbines connected with a bunch of diesel generators, and that provides about 80% or more of all the electricity requirements for the island of Ramea.
There are over 300 northern and remote communities in Canada. Right now they all rely on diesel generation. That diesel generation costs them anywhere from about 25¢ per kilowatt-hour up to $1.50 per kilowatt-hour, which is 15 times more than what we pay in the south. It also causes great pollution from diesel spills, from air pollution. It also brings few local benefits, because you're basically shipping in the diesel, you're burning it, and that's it.
This is another area where Canada has huge expertise. If you looked around the world and tried to find your leading experts on wind diesel, you'd find over half of them in Canada. The problem is they're applying this expertise mainly overseas. If you go to Alaska, Alaska has piles of Canadian wind turbines, Canadian technology, Canadian control systems that they're using to power many remote communities in places like Kotzebue. It's a case where we've got this expertise, we've got a niche, we've got the technology, but we don't have the domestic market to support it.
One of the challenges that you run into here, as soon as you want to install wind in a small community, is many of the utilities will say, “We already paid for our diesel generators, so all we're going to give you for this wind is what you help us reduce in terms of diesel fuel use. So if you reduce our use by 100 litres, we'll pay you the equivalent of 100 litres of diesel.” What they're not including is all of the costs of the incumbent technology that they've now paid off, so you have an unlevel playing field. What is needed here, again, is an incentive that gets them over that hump.
For the last two years the Canadian Wind Energy Association has been advocating for something we call the remote community wind incentive program. It's essentially an expansion of ecoENERGY for renewable power, but is designed specifically for northern and remote communities. We feel it has tremendous potential. With an investment of approximately $51 million, you'd be able to provide 10% of all the electricity in Canada's north from wind. The wind is there and the technology is there. They're Canadian turbines, so we just have to put two and two together.
In conclusion, we have a very strong demand for wind power from a range of places. Residential homeowners are interested in the small systems. Farmers are interested in the medium-sized systems. Remote communities are interested in the larger systems.
These systems provide many benefits. First, the electricity supply is close to where the demand is, so you reduce line losses and make for a more robust grid. We have an opportunity to make Canada a leader in the development of these mid-sized systems. There's a general consensus that we're going to see a lot more electrification of rural communities, not only in Canada but across the planet. If Canada is well positioned with those technologies, we can really see the benefits from that development.
The challenges are really significant. There's a need to recognize the environmental benefits that come with these systems. There's a need to help wind deal head to head with incumbent technologies like diesel generators. In all these cases we feel that government can really play a key role.
In 2001 the wind power production incentive was brought in. It was one cent per kilowatt-hour. It morphed into the ecoENERGY program. The push it gave to the large wind industry was tremendous and can't be understated. We're now sitting at 2,400 megawatts of installed capacity, largely because of the push that gave. We feel that the same push is required for the small and medium-sized systems now.
With that I'll conclude my remarks. Thank you very much for this opportunity to present.