Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman.
Mr. Chairman, members of the committee, I'd like to begin my comments to you by expressing the heartfelt sympathy of all of us at the Canada-Newfoundland and Labrador Offshore Petroleum Board for the families and friends of those who were killed or injured in the April 20 explosion on the Deepwater Horizon. Our hearts and prayers go out to them, and to the victims.
Our board was established in 1985 under the Atlantic Accord, to regulate offshore oil and gas activity on behalf of the governments of Canada and Newfoundland and Labrador. We have 69 staff, with approximately 600 years of combined experience in offshore oil and gas operations.
Our mandate encompasses four key areas: worker safety, environmental protection, resource management, and industrial benefits. The board's mission statement confirms that worker safety and environmental protection will be paramount in all board decisions. The board has no part in the establishment or administration of royalties or taxes for any offshore activity. We do not promote the industry, that is the role of governments. Our role is one of regulatory oversight of operator activity, and when I say “operator”, we refer to companies that hold operating permits authorized by the board.
The Atlantic Accord legislation defines a chief safety officer with broad powers and responsibilities for worker safety, as well as a chief conservation officer with powers over resource management. The legislation stipulates that an order made by the chief safety officer cannot be overruled by the board, and it prevails over a decision of the chief conservation officer.
The Atlantic Accord legislation therefore already accomplishes what the United States is proposing to do now with respect to separating some of the responsibilities of the Minerals Management Service. In short, our legislation provides that in matters of safety versus resource management and production, safety is paramount.
Drilling for oil and gas in the Newfoundland and Labrador offshore area began over 40 years ago in 1966. Since that time, some 355 wells have been drilled, including 144 exploration wells, and 15 of those wells have been in deep water, which is considered to be 500 metres or more. Production of oil from our offshore area started in 1997. At the end of March 2010, 1.1 billion barrels of oil had been produced from three projects: Hibernia, Terra Nova, and White Rose.
Since the beginning of production, 1,100 barrels of crude have been spilled in our offshore area, one barrel for every million barrels produced. There have been no blowouts in our offshore area. Obviously, we would prefer to always have no injuries or no spills, but we believe that the record for our offshore area is quite respectable.
Currently there is one exploration drilling program taking place in our offshore area. Chevron Canada Ltd. is drilling the Lona-055 exploration well some 430 kilometres northeast of St. John's, in a water depth of approximately 2,600 metres. I will speak to this project in further detail shortly.
The board's mandate is to interpret and apply the provisions of the Canada-Newfoundland Atlantic Accord Implementation Act and regulations to the Newfoundland and Labrador offshore area. In addition to the legislation, the board provides guidance to industry, which is developed on the basis of experience and expertise here and best practices from around the world.
The Gulf of Mexico incident is a reminder that accidents can happen. Regulations and regulators are designed to require that the risk of an offshore incident occurring is reduced to a level that is as low as reasonably practicable. This is a reality that safety regulators deal with as part of our responsibilities. It is precisely for this reason that safety regulators focus on ways to improve safety and prevent accidents from occurring.
Before drilling programs even are contemplated, before the relevant licences are issued in a potential area of exploration, the board undertakes a strategic environmental assessment of potential operations in that area. This initiative is over and above the requirements of both the Atlantic Accord legislation and the current federal environmental assessment legislation. The strategic environmental assessment for the Orphan Basin area was undertaken in 2003 and included solicitation of public comments on both the scoping document for the strategic environmental assessment at the outset of the process, as well as on a draft of the final report. The final report was posted on the board's website in November 2003 and is still available there today.
The strategic environmental assessment, while necessarily more of an overview nature than subsequent project-specific assessments, included a consideration of potential blowout risk and fate.
I'd like to describe for you now the regulatory approval process for drilling programs. As part of the planning process for a drilling program and before any authorization respecting the program is issued, an environmental assessment of the proposed program is conducted. This is conducted under both the federal Canadian Environmental Assessment Act and the accord legislation.
In the case of the Orphan Basin drilling program, the assessment was concluded in July 2006, prior to authorization of Chevron's first well in the area, the deepwater exploration well Great Barasway F-66. The documentation associated with this assessment, like all such board assessments, is publicly available, and the principal document still can be downloaded from the board's website.
The board's oversight of an offshore drilling program commences at the early planning stages, typically 18 months or more in advance of any proposed program. The operational review and approval of drilling programs is a two-tiered process that requires, firstly, an operations authorization, and secondly, an approval to drill a well for each one to be drilled as part of the drilling program.
Prior to receiving the operations authorization, a number of statutory obligations must have been met. The applicants must have completed the environmental assessment process required by the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act as well as the Atlantic Accord Implementation Act. The operators must have obtained a certificate of fitness from an independent third-party certifying authority and a letter of compliance from Transport Canada for the drilling installation, and they must file a safety plan and an environmental protection plan and a contingency plan that includes an oil spill response plan. In addition, they must submit documentation respecting financial responsibility, and finally, they must provide a declaration of fitness attesting that the equipment and facilities to be used during the program are fit for purpose, that the operating procedures relating to them are appropriate, that the personnel employed are qualified and competent, and that the installation meets all necessary Canadian standards. Only after all of this documentation is presented to and approved by the board may an operator proceed with the application.
Drilling and well control are critical aspects of offshore operations and are addressed extensively in the regulatory framework. This involves review of the operator's well planning and technical capabilities in respect to well and casing design, well control measures, kick prevention and detection, establishment of severe-weather operating limits, a review of emergency disconnect requirements, and an assessment of the relief well drilling arrangements.
Emphasis is also placed on ensuring that all personnel have the requisite training in well control and blowout prevention. A review is conducted to ensure suitable redundancy of the blowout preventer control system in the event of any situation that could result in a disconnect from the well.
Oversight of these matters is achieved in a systematic manner through the board's safety assessment system, which includes review of the operator safety management system and confirmation that the operator has identified the hazards and the measures to be put in place to reduce the risk from those hazards to a level that is as low as reasonably practicable.
Last but not least, the board's safety and environment professionals review the emergency response plans for the project in the event that an incident occurs despite the preventive measures in place. These plans include an oil spill response plan, which describes in detail the command structure the operator will put in place to respond to a spill event. It also describes the plan's relationship with other operators' and governments' plans and a description of spill response resources available at site in eastern Newfoundland, nationally, and internationally. Locally available resources include large containment and recovery systems—boom-and-skimmer systems—with fluid pumping capacities over 50,000 barrels per day each.
Detailed modelling of the potential fate of a spill at these locations using 40 years of weather data indicates that even if a large spill were to occur, it would be unlikely that oil would approach the Newfoundland and Labrador shoreline. Thus, scenes like those we see off the coast of Louisiana would not occur here. The impacts of a spill occurring this far from the Canadian coastline nevertheless would be serious and would require immediate response, but it would be a situation substantially different from what we are seeing in the United States today.
The second tier of the approval process involves a requirement to obtain an approval to drill a well, or an “ADW”, for each and every well drilled. The ADW must provide detailed information on the drilling program and well design, including the BOP equipment and the casing and cementing program as well as a geologic prognosis. This application is reviewed by a multi-disciplinary team within the board comprising engineers, technicians, geologists, geophysicists, and environmental specialists prior to the issuance of the ADW.
The drilling and production guidelines in place speak to all critical matters in relation to well barriers, blowout prevention, and well control, including BOP stacks, casing, and cementing matters as well as detailed requirements and expectations pertaining to the termination of wells. These guidelines reflect high standards and modern thinking with respect to drilling, cementing, and well control matters.
Mr. Chair and committee members, Chevron Canada Limited has been issued an approval to drill a well for the Lona O-55 well after having met all the regulatory requirements under the drilling and production regulations and associated board guidelines.
Chevron's safety plan identifies all hazards, including a blowout, and describes how these hazards will be managed. Its safety plan describes the use of appropriate equipment, proper procedures, and competent personnel to undertake safe drilling operations.
Chevron is using the Stena Carron drillship, which is a state-of-the-art, sixth-generation, harsh-environment drillship. The BOP can be activated from the drill floor using either of two hydraulic control systems. This redundancy helps ensure that the well can be shut in by the drilling crew.
The vessel also has three backup systems capable of activating the BOP and shutting in the well should the need arise to do so. It has an acoustic system, an ROV intervention capability, and an auto-mode function, which automatically activates the BOP and shuts in the well when the signal is lost.
Prior to starting operations on the Lona O-55 exploration well, the Stena Carron was contracted out to ConocoPhillips in the Laurentian Basin, off the southern coast of Newfoundland and Labrador. The ConocoPhillips East Wolverine G-37 well was also a deepwater exploration well, in nearly 1,900 metres of water. It was successfully drilled to total depth, logged, and then terminated.
The Lona O-55 well was spudded on May 10, 2010. The BOP was fully pressure- and function-tested, including its backup activation systems, and was run in preparation for it to be run on riser and installed on the wellhead. Chevron continues to conduct drilling operations as per the ADW, and the well should be completed in early September, if the schedule is maintained.
Mr. Chairman and members of the committee, it is prudent practice for a regulator to conduct an internal review following an incident like the one in the Gulf of Mexico to determine if more can be done from an oversight perspective to address concerns about the risks of offshore drilling. In light of the situation unfolding in the Gulf of Mexico and heightened public concern over drilling operations currently under way in the Newfoundland and Labrador offshore area, the board has taken the following measures for overseeing well operations at Chevron's Lona O-55 well. These measures are in addition to requirements contained in the drilling and production regulations and associated guidelines.
A team has been established within the board to provide regulatory oversight of Chevron's operations. This team comprises the chief safety officer, the chief conservation officer, members of the board's management team, and selected senior staff with extensive experience in the regulatory oversight of drilling programs. Chevron is expected to ensure the timely posting of daily reports, seven days a week, so that up-to-date information is always available to this team. Chevron is required to meet with the board's oversight team every two weeks to review everything associated with the well. The board's chief safety officer will chair these meetings.
Chevron is required to provide the board's well operations engineer with copies of the field reports prepared in respect to the following: testing of the blowout preventer stack; function testing of the acoustic control system; function testing of the remotely operated vehicle intervention capability; and function testing of the auto-mode function system, together with an assessment of the readiness of the ROV system, in terms of equipment, procedures, and spare parts.
Chevron is expected to monitor developments at the Deepwater Horizon incident site and provide periodic assessments on the impact of any lessons learned from that situation to operations at Lona O-55, particularly any lessons learned with respect to well operations, BOP equipment, or spill response readiness.
The frequency of audits and inspections on board the Stena Carron will be approximately every three to four weeks. Normally these are conducted on offshore operators every three to four months.
Prior to penetrating any of the drilling targets, Chevron must hold an operations timeout to review and verify, to the satisfaction of the chief safety officer and the chief conservation officer, that all appropriate equipment, systems, and procedures are in place to allow operations to proceed safely and without polluting the environment.
Prior to penetrating any of these targets, Chevron should assure itself and the board that all personnel and equipment for spill response, which are identified in its oil spill contingency plan, are available for rapid deployment.
Chevron must also make arrangements for a representative of the board to be on board the Stena Carron to observe the cementing operations of the last casing string set prior to entering any target zones. The observer will also be present to witness the BOP testing, well control drills, and the results of the pressure test of the cementing job. In the case of the BOP testing, a representative of the certifying authority will also be present.
In due course, Chevron must provide, for review and assessment by the board's oversight team, a copy of the proposed well termination program, to be issued to field personnel for implementation. Chevron must also make necessary arrangements for a representative of the board to be on board the Stena Carron to observe the well termination program.
Finally, the board is confident that it administers a robust safety and environmental protection regime. Operators here work in a harsh environment, which demands diligence on their part to reduce risks to as low as is reasonably practicable. It is our role as a regulator to oversee their program, a role to which all of us at the board are dedicated.
Thank you very much for your attention.