Thank you for having me. Good morning.
My name is Ben Parfitt, and I am a writer and researcher based in Victoria, British Columbia.
Recently, I authored a report for the program on water issues at the Munk School of Global Affairs, called “Fracture Lines: Will Canada's Water be Protected in the Rush to Develop Shale Gas?” The report was released in mid-October at a conference that officials from Natural Resources Canada, the natural gas industry, and professional hydrologists and geologists attended and at which they spoke. I am currently researching a report for the B.C. office of the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives that will examine the increasing water demands and power needs in the province's expanding natural gas sector.
As all of you have heard, a significant increase in development of unconventional shale gas resources is under way in Canada and is at its forefront in British Columbia. The province offers a taste of what may be coming down the pipe, as it were, elsewhere in the country.
British Columbia, as you may know, has two major shale gas zones situated in the northeast of the province. The southern-most of those zones is known as the Montney basin. It is in proximity to the communities of Fort St. John and Dawson Creek. The Horn River basin is far to the north and is centred around the community of Fort Nelson.
Most people in the province live 1,000 or more kilometres away from these zones and have little understanding of the extent of industry activities, including industry water usage. I should add here that this is a very different situation from what may apply in the province of Quebec, as Utica shale in that province is developed.
Shale gas production is highly energy intensive, and much of its energy intensity is inextricably caught up in the use of water that is pumped underground in large volumes to fracture or create cracks in tightly bound shale formations. During my research, I obtained information from B.C.'s energy regulator, the B.C. Oil and Gas Commission, on water assignments to the natural gas industry. The information showed that as of April 2010, the OGC had issued energy companies approvals to divert water from 540 different points on creeks, rivers, lakes, and reservoirs in the northeast of the province. If the maximum volume of water assigned to energy companies under those permits were used in a single day, it would exceed by two times the daily water usage by all residents and businesses in Victoria combined. However, this only scratches the surface of what water is being used.
Companies such as Encana and Apache Canada now pump water from deep saline aquifers in the Horn River basin to complete their fracking operations. Others draw water from near-surface freshwater aquifers. Others obtain water from private landowners' wells or borrow pits, and still others are building massive borrow pits, some more than a half kilometre long by 200 metres wide by 13 metres deep, which are intended to infill naturally from near-surface waters in the surrounding muskeg.
Nowhere is information on all water assignments or water takings gathered into one place for the public, a situation common to other Canadian provinces. This is troubling, because these are early days yet for shale gas exploration and development. Yet we know that the industry is setting records for water usage. At just one well site, between January and April of this year, in the Two Island Lake area in the Horn River basin, roughly 900,000 cubic metres of fresh water was used to set a world record for fracking operations at a single multi-well pad. Requests for information that your committee has filed with Encana, will, moreover, I believe, show that the record has subsequently been broken in the Horn River basin.
As the committee may also know, the Peace River, its major tributaries, and many other waterways overlaying the Montney shale resource were in the midst of a drought zone this year. Yet evidence I have obtained from the Oil and Gas Commission shows that fracking companies received substantial increases in water-taking approvals from the energy regulator, despite record low water levels in the region.
It is important to note that the Peace River and its tributaries form part of a vast water system that crosses provincial and territorial boundaries and in which the federal government could and ought to be playing a role.
A great concern is that information made available to the general public by the Oil and Gas Commission has downplayed the industry's increasing needs for water, and on at least one occasion, the energy regulator has failed to disclose significant water withdrawals by fracking companies to a British Columbia first nation that formally requested information on water takings within its territory, which is covered by Treaty 8.
I would like to suggest that as shale gas exploration and development intensifies, there is a pressing need to ensure that both the federal and provincial governments act honourably with first nations, as is their legal duty. A key element to acting honourably is to disclose information, information that the provincial governments have or ought to have on water assignments and water withdrawals.
In interviews with professional geologists, hydrologists, and legal experts, I concluded that both the information gathered on water assignments and the powers to issue water approvals ought properly to rest with provincial environmental regulators, not energy industry regulators, if the primary objective is to ensure safe, renewable supplies of water and sustainable water use. But do governments have all the information they ought to be reasonably expected to be able to provide?
In my “Fracture Lines” report, it is noted that Natural Resources Canada, through the geological survey, is in the midst of analyzing and characterizing 30 key aquifers, mostly in southern Canada, some of which overlay shale formations, but this work is well behind, as respected scientific bodies such as the Council of Canadian Academies has noted. This is why, in the “Fracture Lines” report, the first recommendation made is for the federal and provincial governments, in collaboration with the fracking industry, to immediately fund studies of all aquifers prior to shale gas exploration or sustained hydraulic fracturing.
I would be happy to answer questions about the other recommendations in that report that address other aspects of water usage and waste water treatment and disposal in the fracking industry. Thank you very much for the opportunity to speak with you today.