Thanks, Mr. Chair.
My name is Bruce Hyer. Before I was an MP I was, among other things, a terrestrial ecologist, a biologist, and a scientist.
When I was reviewing the notes of Elizabeth Dowdeswell's testimony at the last meeting, things really jumped out at me, primarily this question from Mr. Guilbeault.
I will just quickly review a couple of them.
...a statistically sound decision-making process that can allow for adaptive management in a rapidly changing oil sands environment does not exist.
The industry-funded RAMP program, the regional aquatic and monitoring program: not producing world-class scientific output in a transparent, peer-reviewed format and is not adequately communicating its results to the scientific community or the public.
Then the last one is:
...development is proceeding so quickly that it is actually destroying water sampling locations designed to establish what an undisturbed area looks like.
In other words, the controls in the experiment.
As I scientist, this is worrying to me; as the water critic for the NDP, it's worrying to me.
Would any of you, starting with Mr. Guilbeault, like to comment on whether you share my concerns that this is an acceptable situation where we not only have serious problems but we can't even document those problems because we don't have a baseline or a good scientific experiment going on?