Thank you, Mr. Chair, and honourable members of the committee.
I would like to thank the standing committee for inviting us to contribute to the study on innovation in Canada's energy sector.
My name is Bradley Young and I am the executive director of NAFA, the National Aboriginal Forestry Association. I come from the Opaskwayak Cree Nation and Swampy Cree Tribal Council in northern Manitoba. I would also like to take this time to recognize the traditional territory of the Algonquin Nation, Kichi Sipi Aski, otherwise referred to as Ottawa.
First, I will provide a little background on NAFA. We are a non-governmental, first nation controlled organization focused on research, advocacy, and associated economic development activities in the forest sector. We advocate for policy and initiatives that will address aboriginal rights, values, and interests, and also that will lead to a more equitable creation and sharing of benefits from the vast forest resources of the land we call Canada.
It is on the creation of genuine wealth through world-class business and natural resource management that our 300-plus members and over 1,400 aboriginal forest sector businesses are increasingly focusing.
In Canada 80% of over 630 first nations communities overwhelmingly call the forest home. Coupled with the aforementioned businesses, this is the energy that NAFA is working hard to help unleash. In no other natural resource sector do we find the confluence of geography, population, history, culture, experience, and increasingly the successes, that we find in the forest.
The other natural resource sectors in Canada are critical. However, let us remember that 24 Sussex Drive, the Prime Minister of Canada's official residence, was built by Joseph Merrill Currier, timber businessman and member of Parliament.
In 1994 the people of Oujé-Bougamou, under the expert advice of their elders and leadership, together with the national treasure, architect Douglas Cardinal, in partnership with the Government of Canada, realized the dream of a sustainable village.
At its heart is a biomass energy regional heating system. Here is a 20-year-old example of Canadian community vision, technological innovation, and northern stick-to-it-iveness—that's a hockey term. The remote geography of the community was turned on its head and used as a complementary strength, where stagnant waste from regional sawmills is diverted and continues to be harnessed for community needs.
Now we have provincial biomass innovation centres updating this forerunning example and templating one-megawatt biomass power and heat units for installation in remote communities, building complexes, and regional heating grids in urban scenarios. What an opportunity.
This is what I mean. At the core of most of these bioenergy scenarios, wood fibre is the feedstock. The most logical structuring of the supply chain guaranteeing this foundational input is attachment to regional harvesting and forestry operations. Divert, offset storage costs and liabilities, create an additional revenue stream, provide energy for heat and electrical generation to maximize the utility of our resources. That is the mix that has been put together.
This basic infrastructure logic, as l've stated, is in a high state of readiness with numerous projects up and running, showcasing the potential. As for the feedstock, first nations now hold over 22 million cubic metres of annual allowable cut nationally. To be sure, first nations are yet again on the cutting edge of proving this virtuous circle.
I will share commentary highlighting one such emblematic example of this.
In Meadow Lake, Saskatchewan, the riding of first nations MP Rob Clarke, and home of aboriginal hockey player and Stanley Cup champion Dwight King of the L.A. Kings, the Meadow Lake Tribal Council, through its business operating units MLTC Resource Development Incorporated, Mistik Management, and NorSask Forest Products, has connected all the dots. They co-own, with the people of Saskatchewan, but wholly manage the forest through Mistik Management, according to the gold standard of forest certification, FSC.
The member communities supply all the harvesting and subcontracting work to get that fibre out of the bush. They supply Meadow Lake Mechanical Pulp and NorSask Forest Products with the fibre they need. They own 100% of NorSask Forest Products.
Despite the downward pressure on the forest sector, the first nations kept the mill alive out of their belief in the employees, the regional economy, and the hopes and aspirations of first nations and non-first nations people alike.
They manufacture SPF studs and export around the world. Their waste stream goes into the chip supply for the pulp mill, but they have also installed bioenergy heating technology in their facilities to further harness the resource. This is all standard as far as it goes for forest facilities in Canada. But here is where it gets interesting.
Under the chairmanship of tribal Chief Eric Sylvestre, Vice-Chief Dwayne Lasas, and the nine first nations chiefs of the Meadow Lake Tribal Council, Ben Voss, the CEO of Meadow Lake Tribal Council RDI, and Trevor Gladue, the president and CEO of NorSask Forest Products have established a precedent-setting energy generation relationship with the Province of Saskatchewan.
As l've mentioned the first nations side of the table, likewise, Premier Brad Wall and his SaskPower CEO, Robert Watson, deserve credit for their shared vision.
What are they doing? First, MLTC RDI—I apologize for the acronym—holds a long-term contract to generate and produce power for SaskPower. Through the business configuration described above, NorSask Forest Products will divert bioenergy to their own industrial-scale biomass electricity generation facility.
The return is, in the words of Vice-Chief Dwayne Lasas and CEO Ben Voss, and I paraphrase here from public statements, investment, jobs, hundreds of millions of dollars in revenues, jobs, long-term business stability, jobs, expanding business partnerships spearheaded by a first nations power authority, and last but not least, jobs.
On the last point, in terms of the power authority, the partnership circle as I understand it also includes the Government of Canada through Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development, so additional credit must be given here as well.
Taken as a whole, first nations have a unique opportunity to contribute to Canada's energy innovation in a concrete, proven, and growing way from a solid footing in the forest. I want to remind honourable parliamentarians that in our opinion, Canada's growth agenda is really the first nations growth agenda.
We live in the bush in the midst of all the natural resources. We contribute to the well-being of the supply lines for these resources, and increasingly are managing, co-owning, and developing them. Our population is young, expanding, and ready for constructive nation building. We can't squander these resources. We need to maximize and sustainably manage them. And we need to tell the world about what it is we are doing.
With over 22-million cubic metres of wood under first nations control nationally, now is the time to work in partnership with first nations to support the critical aboriginal forest sector as never before. NAFA is playing a leading role in this discussion, and as we work in partnership with our members and supporters, this is the vision we want to pursue: growth, investment, job creation, world-class management, and genuine wealth generation with our partners regionally, nationally, and internationally in government, in industry, and in society.
I want to take this time to thank our NAFA membership, board of directors, staff, and supporters out there. It's really their vision that l've been given the opportunity to share here today.
I also want to thank our core partners in government, Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada, in particular, the director of community economic development, Neil Burnett, and program manager, Hugues Landriault. Natural Resources Canada's Canadian Forest Service also merits mention, specifically Trudy Samuel, Anna Bailie, and Trevor Longpre. They have been of assistance to NAFA as we build momentum in the forest sector.
Canada's only a small country and our dedicated civil service is even smaller. So it's only through teamwork that we will continue to build our nation from good to great.
In closing, I do have some words of caution. As I said last year in front of the Standing Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development: Canada, beware.
In the words of our elders, beware of those who would protect the land to death. What I mean is that forest conservation initiatives must be considered carefully and broadly in the context of the forest and first nations. We cannot set aside the responsible development ethic and vision of our first nations working on and communing with their traditional territories as found in the original treaty teachings.
Let us remember that responsible forestry, the everyday practice of it through the symbology of the wooden pipestem, speaks to this.
[Witness speaks in native language]