After reading the published figures, I understand that, currently, the flow reversal of line 9 linking Montreal to Portland would produce up to 300,000 barrels per day. The Suncor refinery in Montreal produces 140,000 barrels per day, and the Ultramar refinery from the Valero group in Lévis produces 270,000 barrels per day.
By doing some basic math, one will realize that there isn't an extra drop of oil that can go any further. Clearly Canada needs exports. We shouldn't be preventing oil from going further, because we are creating a niche market. That's not how things work. It is by giving us access and letting us compete that we would be able to do things better than others, and hopefully, thereby obtain value added. That is the message we meant to convey, not that we fear the oil will be transported further. If we have access to that oil, we will have a chance at competing.
I would like to mention something important about new pipelines. The gentleman is right, the quality of today's pipelines is better. However, one must not underestimate the older pipelines, because there are programs that monitor the quality of pipelines and technology has evolved significantly in this field.
I have noticed myself that certain pipelines are quite old. However the quality of these pipelines is not on the inside but often on the outside. Thanks to modern-day inspection systems, we can now identify the specific location on a pipeline where it is damaged in order to replace the section in need of repair. There is no need to be worried about old pipelines, because maintenance and link detection technologies are much more advanced today.