Yes. In regard to volume over value, I think it's easier to focus on the commodity products. That's been the traditional case with many parts of Canada's industry, certainly in B.C. My recommendation was that we should do all we can to encourage those companies that have traditionally produced volume-based products to move up the value chain. They have better access to capital. They have better management systems and are in a position to move into the kinds of products that would enable us to take advantage of the changes in the building codes, for example, to build cross laminated timber, base structures, and glued laminated structures.
There is a Natural Resources Canada program called IFIT, which is investments in forest industry transformation. It's a great program, but it only provides grants to the first company on board with a new technology in Canada. My comment was that, to have a really competitive sector, we need to have five, six, or 10 producers of cross laminated timber, instead of which we have two at the moment. We need to thicken the supply chain.
I think Europe is a more densely populated region and has much harsher competition. They've had other factors such as higher energy costs, which has spurred them on to focus on innovating in energy efficient housing and those kinds of things. They're earlier to the game than we are, and we're finding that you can land product from Europe 40% cheaper than buying the comparable products in Canada, even with shipping factored in.
We need to find mechanisms to be able to help not just the first company to market with a new product in Canada but the second, third, and fourth.