The solution is to provide the means to facilitate communication. I'd like to give you two examples.
The government has just finalized the Labour Market Development Agreements, or LMDAs, which were anxiously awaited. We are very grateful. Approximately $523 million will be transferred to Ontario. Congratulations! I take my hat off to you.
However, a second agreement — the Labour Market Partnership Agreement, or LMPA — which represents $323 million, is still pending. That delay is hurting us, because the second part of the agreement allows us to mentor people who are subject to Part II of the Employment Insurance Act and end up jobless. That $323 million has yet to be paid out, and the same applies to the $900 million earmarked for immigrants and facilitating their integration in Ontario.
Some $900 million are still pending; that amount is part of the strategic plan that Mr. Solberg has just tabled. I am not criticizing, but we have been talking about funding for a long time — funding that the government sees as a priority. For our part, we have been working for almost three years with all kinds of task forces, lobbyists and other individuals to ensure that money can be distributed more quickly.
I'm afraid that people may be beginning to lose hope. We're having trouble maintaining people's optimism. Things have to start moving. Whether we're talking about $800 million, $900 million or $1 billion, that is not the point. We need to access that $900 million and the team that works with the Minister on developing the strategic plan, if we want to facilitate settlement for immigrants coming to Ontario.
I realize that the situation may be quite complex, but we have been waiting for news of that $900 million for a very long time. That funding would allow me to fully play my role, including in Toronto, where 80% of my students are first or second generation Canadians.
In two weeks, we will actually be awarded the provincial prize for the best fast-track immigration settlement program in Ontario. We set that program up with practically no money and we have been extraordinarily successful in hosting new families here in Ontario and helping them to succeed; after settlement, these families still have to complete the program and the course.
But I can't do that alone. Since I'm not receiving any money directly from my own government to carry out this kind of project, I need your support. I'm optimistic.