I encourage you to take the opportunity. The Government of Canada is investing a historic amount of money to support events in French, particularly in the regions where the linguistic minority communities live.
I have five children, and I'm the product of immersion programs. When I was at school, we were with francophones because there was no immersion school at the time. I was part of the first immersion class in my region, in Manitoba. We had consequences at school. When we went to school with francophones, if we were caught speaking English, we got a ticket. That ticket meant we had to go see the principal. When we got a second ticket, our parents were called. The principal asked them whether they really wanted their children to attend a francophone school. With the third ticket, the parents were invited to see the principal together with the student. We were given the opportunity to leave the school. There were consequences. When I was a student, I found that harsh, but I can say that it's thanks to those consequences that I speak French today. I wanted to learn French.
I'm sharing that with you, since you really want to learn and speak French at a francophone school. It surprises me that there aren't any consequences. Are there any consequences?