There are almost 10 artistic workshops presented by local artists. What we do is present a profile of Francophone communities in the North, with several countries. There was an African music group, Mediterranean grilled food, and a hot air balloon. The following day, we celebrated Acadia by again organizing artistic workshops with local singers, and so on. The hot air balloon was at the Parc Somba'Ke next to the city hall for two days.
I gave a presentation last week to officials at the City of Yellowknife. They greeted me with open arms because they took advantage of that event to promote their park. I see that there are now positive spinoffs and that it is easy to organize a Francophone event in Yellowknife. It has a lot of impact.
As regards the diamond mines, I was told that it was doubtful because these companies already give a lot to other Anglophone organizations. However, one day, it may be possible.