Thank you very much, Mr. Trottier.
Thank you, Ms. Boucher.
Allow me to intervene briefly to mention that the Official Languages Act is a quasi-constitutional act. I am gobsmacked to see that we are talking about self-assessment here with regard to a quasi-constitutional act.
I would like to direct the attention of the members of the committee to part VIII of the act, entitled “Responsibilities and Duties of Treasury Board in Relation to the Official Languages of Canada”, which reads as follows:
(2) In carrying out its responsibilities under subsection (1) the Treasury Board may [...] (c) issue directives to give effect to parts IV, V and VI; (d) monitor and audit federal institutions in respect of which it has responsibility for their compliance with policies and [...]
So there are some firm obligations. However, in paragraph (g), it says you may “delegate any of its powers under this section to the deputy heads”. This gives the impression that despite paragraphs (a), (b), (c) and (d), paragraph (g) suggests that Treasury Board will delegate its powers to deputy heads. However, I think the members of the committee would like you to be more active, and they want you to be the guard dog of official languages.
I now yield the floor to Mr. Arseneault.