As someone who is not a legal expert, I find it a little difficult to answer this question. I believe that it's a matter of jurisdiction. I think that it's an additional barrier that needs to be overcome, particularly in the postsecondary field.
As for governance, I do not administer budgets on a daily basis. At the previous meeting, I listened closely when people talked about the concept of accountability. I believe that's extremely important. I experienced it in schools, for example, at a time when anglophones were in the majority on school boards.
As Mr. Constantineau mentioned a few moments ago, we used to get French money. All of a sudden, the French money was disappearing and we didn't know where.
We were told that money was being spent on French-language schools, which was not necessarily always true. We know it, and it's a fact. Let's just say it complicates things for us.