In our brief, we discuss how important it is to have a whole‑of‑government action plan to support the development of official language minority communities. It's important to know how to develop that plan and who will be responsible for implementing it.
Canadian Heritage is doing extraordinary work with the communities. What we're proposing takes nothing away from its consultation efforts.
According to Michel Doucet, who was one of the people you previously mentioned, the Official Languages Act is the legislation least complied with in the history of Canada. My office has received 60,000 complaints since it was created.
It's important for us to establish the best possible structure to ensure proper implementation of the act from the outset. Since we've never had that structure in the past, I think we have to create it. It's all well and good to have the best legislation in the world, but we won't achieve the results we want if we fail to implement it.