Thank you, Mr. Chair.
Thank you for the information and presentations. It is always a pleasure. It is an historic moment to be here discussing a law that has not been changed since 1988. I often wonder what we have experienced since nearly 50 years ago, because there have been pretty obvious problems on the ground for quite a long time that have caused a lot of problems. Personally, I can tell you that I have had a lot of experiences on the ground in connection with the Official Languages Act.
I have always said that politicians have to make the right decisions, even if they are hard, to ensure the success of Canada's two official languages. I am here and I have the opportunity to play my role. I'm going to mention a few specific points to illustrate my support for this amendment, which I think is extremely important, since it would ensure Treasury Board's expertise in overseeing the departments.
It should come as no surprise, but a few days ago, I went to read the speech made by former Senator De Bané during the 1988 debates on changes to the Official Languages Act. I found some of the things he said to be very interesting, particularly regarding section 42. We are very familiar with sections 42, 43 and 44.
I would like to read you an excerpt from his speech. He is replying to Mr. Bouchard, the minister at the time:
...Mr. Minister, I would like to go back to the section 42 that you alluded to. Let me tell you that, personally, I am very pessimistic about the impact that the Secretary of State will be able to have with a diluted section ...
This was in 1988, and he was taking stock of the situation. Continuing:
The Secretary of State of Canada, in consultation with other ministers of the Crown, shall encourage and promote a coordinated approach... As you know, only two or three organizations in the federal government truly have power of coordination: Treasury Board, the Department of Finance and the Privy Council.
This was in 1988, and he predicted what was going to happen. He predicted what a lot of Canadians, myself included, have experienced and continue to experience.
I predict, Minister, that section 42 will never give you the authority to tell recalcitrant ministers that, under section 42, they are required to take such and such an action in a certain part of the country in order to help you achieve the objectives of the act. As it stands now, Minister, all that provision will do is cause you frustration.
I have experienced that frustration very often as director general of the provincial Acadian school board. Was Mr. De Bané wrong? Absolutely not. Everyone we have heard on this issue for several years agrees that a single body, Treasury Board, has to be responsible for coordination. We should also note that our 2021 white paper said the same thing. I believe that amendment CPC‑7 is an acceptable compromise.
Treasury Board is responsible for this matter in consultation with the Department of Canadian Heritage. We have simply made a modification. In reality, amendment LIB‑6 proposes that Canadian Heritage work in consultation with Treasury Board, but all we need to do is reverse the roles and Treasury Board would be the expert. It has always had the expertise needed for enforcing the act to its full effect, and it would now do it in consultation with Canadian Heritage.
This is clear and obvious, to my mind. I am going to go even further. I think amendment CPC‑7 would strengthen Treasury Board's oversight and coordination role while preserving an important role for the Department of Canadian Heritage with respect to a government-wide strategy. Here again, there is obviously significant collaboration between the two institutions. As I said, amendment CPC‑7 is similar to LIB‑6, but reverses the roles, assigning the matter to the expertise of Treasury Board.
In conclusion, I support adopting both amendments, CPC‑7 and LIB‑6 because, together, they would end the frustration expressed by Mr. De Bané that we have all felt since 1988. All of the organizations have given this their support.
Today, we have the opportunity to review the bill and remedy the problem. As my colleague said earlier, we can revise this act every five years, if there are parts that create problems. However, I want to remind you that we have been living with this problem for 50 years, so let's solve the problem now while we have the opportunity. Otherwise, someone else will have to deal with it in five years. I am therefore asking you to support amendment CPC‑7.
Mr. Chair, thank you for allowing me to speak on this subject.