I'm going to make a couple of observations and then I have some questions.
Sometimes I wonder about this whole process. The Auditor General reviews things and comes here, and we review it and go through it, and we come up with reports and send out directives and so on. It seems to me the cumulative effect over the years of all this thing is faulty. Regulations, the statutes, the directives, the rules get more and more and more, and to me the Income Tax Act is a product of probably 100 years of this sort of thing. It's only the very wealthy who have the ability to work their way through this maze of rules to benefit themselves, the rest of the people are at the mercy of the monster we create. There are so many rules in place in government that you can't see the trees for the forest. And I'd hate to think a manager would be trying to manage on the basis of a massive rule book rather than just being a good manager.
But that's an observation on my part. Maybe all politicians could take a deep breath and figure out how they can simplify things rather than complicate things. We'll leave it at that.
I'm a big fan of a guy called W. Edwards Deming, who in management schools throughout North America would be perceived as the guru of modern management and how you get things done. The Toyota people would probably tell you he's the best thing that came along in the last century.
I recall his saying that to try to order or command or wish results is never going to work, but it seems to me that's what we do. We try to command or order results, and I'm not sure the record is all that great. That's the nature of politicians and bureaucrats, to try to order results through legislation or regulation or dictates.
I want to raise this issue about deputy ministers. I'm sure Mr. Baker, when he left the firearms registry, was very happy to get out of that quagmire. I have to admire the guy for trying to straighten out something that was maybe not humanly possible to straighten out, but he did his best with that situation, and he's probably a pretty good guy.
The real context was Indian and Northern Affairs. Quite frankly, I could not keep track of the deputy ministers we've had in that department. They come and go and they come and go, and there's no end of problems in the department.
I remember what Deming said. One of his seven bedrock principles of sound management was constancy of purpose. My goodness gracious, Indian and Northern Affairs is full of major problems that need to be fixed, and there is absolutely no constancy of purpose in that department. The deputy ministers are constantly being switched around, and I'm sure everyone, when they leave, must be glad to be out of that department. To get appointed to that department must be almost like being appointed to purgatory in the bureaucracy. All the other deputy ministers must say they wonder what that person did to get that job.
Notwithstanding that, constancy of purpose is a very important principle. I understand the prerogative of Prime Ministers and why they might have something like that, but surely the Privy Council Office must understand we shouldn't be trying to mandate a rule that says it must be three years.
In the departments that have lots of problems, surely the Privy Council Office must see the purpose of putting a strong person in charge, and telling this person they're going to be there for a fairly long time, they want these problems sorted out, and the revolving doors are going to stop.
So I'd like your reaction to that, because that's our intent.