Colleagues, I would like to call the meeting to order.
Welcome, Mr. Gladu.
Mr. André Gladu was the previous deputy minister of the department of regional economic development for the province of Quebec during the Place Victoria issue, which we have under investigation. We did have one or two hearings on this. It was decided by the committee to call in Mr. Gladu, as he was the deputy at the time.
This meeting has changed a little bit. We had originally scheduled it for longer. What I'd like to do is allocate up to an hour for this--we may not need an hour, but if we do--with Mr. Gladu. Then Dr. Ned Franks will give a presentation. As everyone is aware, Dr. Franks has been working with us for approximately six months now on the protocol. That is in its final stages, so we'll invite Dr. Franks to the table at 4:30.
I do want to remind committee members that the bells will be ringing at, I understand, 5:15. The meeting will adjourn then, or shortly after that.
Mr. Gladu, I certainly want to welcome you to the committee. I want to thank you very much for coming. I understand you're retired and are not part of the department right now.
Do you have an opening statement or anything you want to say prior to receiving questions from the committee members?