All right.
In a good system, sir—a good system—people aren't dominated by fear. Good people rise within the system, they're rewarded. The indictments that I see here...and I don't care which way anybody spins this; we have some good people here who have moved on. Staff Sergeant Frizzell, Madame Revine, Mr. Macaulay--there are a fair number of these people who, for whatever reason, had their position eliminated or were transferred and so on. But other people who are implicated in misappropriation of funds and abuse of their position and so on, they stay on, and in some cases they even get promoted.
Again, I get back to the point that you're captain of the ship. I mean, the captain of the ship is responsible for his crew, nobody else is. So who's to blame for this sort of scenario, where good people seem to be pushed out of the system and punished, and people who should be disciplined and dealt with get promoted or stay on the ship?