I'm going to table it, yes.
It covers other issues as well, but it says here: “November 23, 2003, Dominic Crupi, former Director of National Compensation Policy Centre, was sent home on management leave.” Now, there's no such thing in the public service. He was home for 16 months.
Then, it said, on March 22, 2005—that's, I believe, 16 months later—“Dominic Crupi, former officer in charge of the National Compensation Policy Centre, was suspended without pay.” Now, that is my understanding of how the public service works. You'll have to verify that.
“On June 17, 2005, he resigned from the public service.” My understanding is that he reached the age of pension at that time. You'll have to verify that as well.
That's the official document from the RCMP. That's quite a difference from firing him, he's going home. That's the document from the RCMP.
I'll table this with you as well. You'll have to verify it.