Yes, I do.
Before I commence today, I'd like to thank the committee for allowing me to come before you to at least present what I believe happened in and around June 15 to June 20. However, before commencing, I'd also like to emphasize that reporting on one's ethical behaviour is never an easy task and sometimes it comes with severe repercussions. Unfortunately, in most cases there is never a win-win solution.
To help address that situation, in my role as the appropriate officer here in headquarters Ottawa, I took it upon myself in January 2007 to send a memo to all headquarters employees as it relates to section 37 in the RCMP Act in matters of code of conduct and reporting on ethical behaviour.
Within this section it states that “It is incumbent on every member”, in subsection 37(e), “to ensure that any improper or unlawful conduct of any member is not concealed or permitted to continue”.
My memo also encouraged the notion of being able to come forward with concerns around such behaviour by stating “It is equally as important to ensure that these individuals are treated with respect and continue to perform without fear of reprisal or being branded a 'whistle-blower'”.
I have a copy of that memo with me.
It is available in both official languages.
With respect to the proceedings, I would like it to be known that I'm neither pleased nor am I supportive of certain actions I've witnessed during these proceedings today. In this regard, the RCMP is an organization that holds very high standards for it and its employees to adhere to, so much so that we have developed a mission, vision, and values commitment statement whereby at the very foundation you will know what our core values are: integrity, honesty, professionalism, compassion, respect, and accountability.
Having stated this, I want to assure the committee that my responses to your questions will be both fulsome and provided to the best of my knowledge. To ensure I do not move off topic and to keep my role in context dealing with the removal of Staff Sergeant Frizzell, I have taken the liberty of listing in this personal statement what I believe transpired during the period from June 15 to June 22, 2005.
I also have taken the liberty of validating this information with Superintendent Jim Newman and Chief Superintendent Doug Lang. I brought with me all relevant unvetted material. Therefore, to facilitate your review, I trust the following statement will finally identify and help clarify this very troubling and confusing situation.
On February 21, 2007, I was informed of the information provided to the Standing Committee on Public Accounts. However, as to the response given by Deputy Commissioner Barb George as to how Staff Sergeant Mike Frizzell was removed from his office, I felt there was a more accurate answer.
In this regard, I recalled a cell phone discussion with Deputy George herself whereby we discussed Sergeant Frizzell's removal. She wanted Frizzell removed because he had left an unprofessional harassing phone message on her subordinate's phone message manager. During the conversation, I informed her I was not in a position to remove him, as he did not report to me, and that Assistant Commissioner Dave Gork was in a position to remove, as he did not report to me. With that, she stated that was all she needed to know.
This cell phone conversation happened while I was returning from a national police services retreat, and Jim Newman was in the vehicle with me at the time. To confirm this, I checked my cell phone records, which showed her office number, 613-993-3445, being contacted by me at 16:09 on June 16, 2005.
In addition, since it was my direct report, Superintendent Doug Lang, who was involved in the removal of Frizzell from his office a few days later, and since Frizzell's office was situated nearby, I had first-hand knowledge of when and possibly why it was done: due to a harassment allegation. Although Lang informed me of his actions, that it was taken care of, and that Frizzell was leaving, I did not have any knowledge of any formal written order at the time. I thought Frizzell's removal was simply related more to the harassment allegation by Deputy Commissioner George.
Given what I knew, I requested a copy of the standing committee minutes for the February 21, 2007 meeting. In addition, while at the senior management team meeting on February 22, I mentioned to Assistant Commissioner Darrell LaFosse that I had concerns with what was stated surrounding Frizzell's removal. He informed me at that time that Deputy Commissioner George had also contacted him, and Chief Superintendent Fraser Macaulay was aware of same.
Upon reviewing the February 21, 2007 standing committee minutes, I sent an e-mail dated February 26 to both Chief Superintendent Lang and Superintendent Newman highlighting the questioning surrounding Frizzell's removal and the responses as provided by Deputy Commissioner George. I worded this message to ensure I was not leading them in their own recollection of the facts as I knew them to be. It read as follows:
To Jim and Doug: FYInfo, I have attached the most recent minutes from the Public Accounts Committee on the Pension overview. You will note that there were considerable questions surrounding the removal of S/Sgt. Mike Frizzell and, more specifically—who ordered him to be escorted out, etc. I have highlighted the sections surrounding this area as you two may be called at a later date. The committee is meeting today to see if it will hear from several other people including Frizzell who will most likely answer the questions surrounding his removal—he knows who was involved beyond just the two of you. I trust you kept good notes as this issue seems to be heating up instead of cooling down. Regards, Bruce.
Superintendent Newman responded in his e-mail of February 27, noting:
Bruce, I guess she forgot about her phone call to you while we were returning to Ottawa from our retreat.
Doug Lang responded in his e-mail of February 28:
Bonjour Jim et Bruce, If anyone wants I have an electronic copy of the written order we served on Frizzell at the request of A/Commr Gork and D/Commr George—it says it all.
As his e-mail showed Deputy George's clear involvement, I sought further clarification from Lang, as his recollection contradicted her response surrounding the issue that she did not know who served the order.
I therefore sent another e-mail to Lang requesting further info as to who actually was involved. I said:
Thanks, Doug, your previous e-mail stated the order came from both A/Commr. Gork and D/Commr. George however, the memorandum of 2005-06-20 does not mention her. I know she called me just prior to this. Could you clarify please.
His response in the e-mail clearly stated:
Yes, I can. I spoke with Deputy George on the phone during this period (before the order was prepared), who provided me further details of Sgt. Frizzell's continuance of this investigation after he had been asked to stop and what she had deemed as continued harassment of one of her employees by Sgt. Frizzell (it was the lady Mike Jeffrey went to work for). I received no formal order from either A/Commr Gork nor Deputy George, just requests from both to ensure this situation was rectified, and A/Commr Gork's direction that it be served on Sgt Frizzell in the form of a written order. I advised both when it had been formally served. Doug.
This, to me, showed she knew exactly who served the order on Frizzell.
On February 28 I called Chief Superintendent Fraser Macaulay to reaffirm his version of how Frizzell was removed from his office and of being present with Assistant Commissioner Darrell LaFosse when he was called about Frizzell. He confirmed this info and stated he was to speak to the commissioner and would be discussing Frizzell, along with his own situation, with the commissioner herself, and that anything I had would help. As a result, I sent him the e-mail on March 1, 2007, that you already have before you, surrounding what I knew to be the circumstances surrounding Frizzell's removal.
On March 8, I sent a draft statement surrounding the information concerning our involvement to both Chief Superintendent Lang and Newman for their review and feedback with respect to what I've just previously stated. I also included the standing committee's key questioning points surrounding Frizzell's removal.
On March 9, Newman responded:
Good morning Bruce I have reviewed the document you have prepared, I do not have anything to add. I never made notes following your discussion with her while in the vehicle. If memory serves me correctly I mentioned that I thought it was inappropriate for her to discuss this issue with you as you were the Appropriate Officer for HQ, that at some point in the future you maybe seized with the file. In relation to serving the member I accompanied Doug as a witness, then I tried to explain that the criminal investigation was finished and that an internal would probably commence. That's it that's all. I may have made notes but they are buried with the rest of my stuff in storage.
Doug Lang responded to the same information I reiterated to the committee today: Bruce, I have no problem with anything you have documented. It is an accurate representation. Doug.
On April 15, 2007, I was interviewed by Chief Superintendent Bob Paulson concerning my knowledge of these events.
At this time he also produced three e-mails, one dated June 15, 2005, from Deputy Commissioner Barb George to me outlining her concern, along with an attached transcript of the phone message left on Rosalie Burton's phone, and one dated June 17, 2005, from me to George whereby I acknowledged her phone call of June 16 and asked if she wanted me to still look into the matter. The third e-mail was from George to Doug Lang during the same period outlining that she had a conversation with Assistant Commissioner Dave Gork about Frizzell.
I commented on the first two; however, I had no knowledge of this third e-mail, showing that George did in fact have direct contact with Gork himself surrounding Frizzell's removal.
My administrative assistant also recalls when Deputy George's office called looking for me in June, 2005. As she needed to speak to me immediately, my assistant gave her my office page number and my cell phone number, which led to my calling Deputy Commissioner George on June 16, which is how I called Deputy George on that same date. This would coincide with the e-mails mentioned above of June 15 and June 17.
I've since talked to Doug Lang, and he acknowledged that Barb George had called him on the morning of June 17 with respect to Frizzell's behaviour.
In summation, the aforementioned info is how I understood things to have been done. Deputy George was actively seeking Staff Sergeant Frizzell's removal because he was harassing one of her employees. Based upon what I've become aware of, this was accomplished through her direct liaison with both Assistant Commissioner Dave Gork and Superintendent Lang shortly after contacting me on June 16.
Whether or not it was Inspector Paul Roy, George, or Gork, who actually directed Lang to serve the order on Frizzell seems to have confused the issue here. Also, whether one was seeking that Frizzell cease and desist, be stopped, and/or removed has complicated the matter as well.
The fact remains that the formal removal of Frizzell commenced between June 15 and June 20, 2005. Chief Superintendent Lang's actions were no doubt influenced by Deputy Commissioner George's direct and clear involvement in Frizzell's being served such an order. In this regard, as mentioned, he was contacted by her directly, along with others, during this exact same timeframe. He consulted with them on the order, he served the order, and, when executed, advised them when it was done, which showed that Deputy George also knew about the order and who served it.
I look forward to your questions.