Mr. Christopherson, let say you buy a house from my next-door neighbour but one, for $200,000. I'll try to explain this so that you understand what I'm getting at. You think the house is a good deal, and I suggest you go look at it because I think it's a good price. You buy the house, and then you realize paid $50,000 too much. Is that my fault, or is that your fault? You were the one who signed the contract.
I asked for verification. I signed nothing, and I forced no one to do anything. I hope that is clear. I have said it eight times since I've been here—I asked for verification, and Public Works and Government Services Canada made a decision because it had additional needs for public service employees. It was not supposed to cost a penny, and we were supposed to save a million dollars. That's what I asked for, Mr. Christopherson.
If I had been told it wasn't possible, and that it would cost money—