You've made that comment a couple of times as well about looking into the matter, but let me read your letter here; this is what you call looking into the matter:
You will understand that a building with suitable office space showcasing the Agency and the Government of Canada in the centre of Montreal is crucial. In my opinion, Place Victoria fully meets this criteria.
Is that asking them to check into something, “fully meets this criteria”?
And then you said: “I assure you that the administrative needs of the agency are met and that additional space will not be needed in the immediate future.” This is totally contradictory to your deputy minister, and the only people who are involved here are three ministers of the crown, Claude Drouin, Ralph Goodale, and of course Don Boudria, who left the portfolio and passed it on to Ralph Goodale.
Everybody who investigated it, a whole team of people from Public Works and Government Services, were totally set aside and this decision was made at a totally political level as per the e-mail that my colleague read into the record from Mr. Arès, who wanted to distance himself so far from this, he said that he'd have no part of it:
It seems clear enough that the insistence on staying at Place Victoria in this case serves interests other than the sound management of public funds. I cannot agree to cover, in an administrative manner, a decision that is difficult to justify financially, because it is costly (the client, CED, had agreed to move to Place Bonaventure, or as a last resort, we could have signed a lease with the second-Iowest bidder [CED agreed], which would have been more beneficial to the Crown).
How do you justify all of this stuff of overriding all of this work, and even a senior public official, a regional director, said that he didn't want to have anything to do with it?