Mr. Chair, I think you've hit on an important issue about the government's appropriations and how they are provided on an annual basis. As noted in the report, the Treasury Board has undertaken a series of pilot projects with departments focused on capital expenditures, because of the problems the government runs into at the end of the fiscal year, whereby if money is not spent, it lapses.
What we have done through the Treasury Board is we've provided departments with assurances that their capital money only--this is the money that is brought to bear when they make these large, expensive decisions--will be allowed to be reinstated in the following fiscal year. That way, if departments run into unexpected delays with the purchase of a building or the renovation of a building, they're not penalized and left at the end of the fiscal year with huge amounts of money that they have no way to get back in the next fiscal year. We've undertaken that with a number of departments. We expect that will give us lessons that we think can apply to all departments.